Chapter 93 : Blue eyes

1067 Words

Kendric shrugged, "That's the closest answer I could get. It may be the case, maybe not." Terrence frowned, "But how could she be exposed to his powers at that place? That is a forest, and a murder scene at that. And wouldn't Raven know if she saw her father?" "Not necessarily. Being exposed to a powerful bloodline power doesn't have to be in their presence. Even if the power had been used at a place and the individual is brought to that place, their blood can sense the residue of that power very well." Ace was feeling his nerves throb, "What are you implying?" Kendric sighed, "Nothing Ace. I told you as much as I found out. I will not stop here and keep researching. I'll try to find a way to check if the aura is evil or not. While I am at it, you should try your best to find her f

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