Chapter 26 : Why did She smell of his own kind?

1040 Words

After banging her head in math, lunch time was like a breath of fresh air for Raven. Marilyn was as bad as Raven and the two went together to the mess hall to refuel themselves. The mess hall was bustling as always, lunch time was the busiest. Sometimes students skip breakfast or dinner for many reasons but Lunch was always eaten. Raven and Marilyn got their trays full and gobbled down the food in a manner that didn't seem to animalistic. "I have never been so sleepy in my entire life." Raven said as she finished the last spoonful of her rice. She had not slept well all night and continuous three classes had already drained all ber energy. A large lunch only contributed to her sleepiness. Marilyn patted her shoulder and took both trays to the washer. When she came back Raven's face w

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