A Good Morning

2200 Words
:Kai: I stirred awake when Frieda came by with breakfast. As uncaring for privacy as ever, she entered our chain of rooms on the second floor laden with a tray of food and drink for my family. She explained that the new children were all down in the dining hall, becoming well acquainted with proper nutrition and their Alpha and that we would be eating up here so as not to disturb them. She set up our breakfast on the small table by the window and asked if she should wake the pups. I told her no, that the parents needed to be a little more awake first. She nodded and left, eager I’m sure, to make sure the half-starved children downstairs were being properly tended to. I shook Sasha gently, whispering in her ear about the possibilities of a shared shower. She giggled and turned to face me, stealing a quick kiss before stretching across the bed. She’d fed Lia around 6 this morning, and the infant wouldn’t wake again until her older brother stirred, usually a little before 10. It was coming up on 915 now, so we had a solid 30 minutes to ourselves. I grinned in anticipation, the new pup was about 3 weeks old, and Sasha had been sore from birth for days. Her giggle and stretch told me she may actually join me in the shower, something I had missed the last few months.  I quickly fell out of bed and through the bathroom door. I pulled two fresh towels from the cabinet and dropped a lavender and sage shower steamer in the corner. Then I stripped, threw my boxers and tee in the hamper, then turned the shower on to full heat. Once the steam had filled the room, I adjusted the temperature to a steamy comfort that Sasha could relax in, the scents of sage and lavender were filling in nicely as well. I heard Sasha take a deep breath as the door clicked closed behind her.  “That smells divine,” she whispered, eyes closing as she inhaled again.  “I should hope so, it is your creation after all,” I chuckled softly in response. I padded over to her, placed my arms around her waist, and pulled her into me, kissing her gently, trying hard to let her lead. She pressed her body into mine, her cool hands wrapped around my chest, pressing me closer. I trailed my fingers over her hips, down her thighs to the end of her nightdress, slipping under and making contact with her skin. I felt the goosebumps rise as I trailed my fingers higher. I deepened my kiss as I slowly trailed back up her body, pulling the cloth with. I broke our kiss and smiled at her as she raised her arms and let me take the nightdress off of her. I threw the cloth at the hamper without looking to see if I aimed true, and took my time in appreciating the naked beauty of my mate. She was rather glorious, cheeks flushed, eyes on my throbbing member, goosebumps on her arms, her milk-plump breasts stiff despite the warmth of the room, and her body still plush and round from pregnancy. Her honeyed skin and raven hair in contrast to my own sun-darkened olive tones and ashy brown strands.  I couldn’t admire her enough, but my body had other ideas and I hoped hers did too. I took her hands and pulled her with me, into the heat of the shower, where the scent pod was strong and enticing. Lavender was her favorite, the sage one of my underlying scents, and the two together had always proven a powerful aphrodisiac for us. As the water fell around us, I took my time again, exploring her body with my hands as she explored mine. I cupped her full breasts, and massaged them gently, I took each n****e in my mouth, exploring the areola with my tongue but being careful not to suckle them. Her arousal would be enough to set her milk flowing, and I didn’t want to start it too early. Keeping her breast in my hands, I trailed my lips up her collar to her neck, up to her ear, then back down towards her shoulder, stopping in the cradle of her collar where a faint scar gave proof she was mine. I bared my teeth on her again, renewing the feeling of our bond, strengthening it with nothing more than my teeth and our shared ecstasy. I moved my hands down her body, reaching one behind her and one between her legs. She moaned in my ear as I brushed gently around her bud, massaging her mound until she was wet with more than water. My free hand traveled down to her knee, hoisting her slowly around and over my hip. With practiced movements, I arranged us easily near the shower wall, with myself poised to enter her. I rested my tip on her bud, the pressure and throbbing keeping her heated as I waited for her signal that I could enter her. I knew from experience after she birthed our son, that I would need to be gentle and careful, too rough and I could hurt her still recovering womb.  The wait was a long and tortuous minute for me. I was rocking into her, rubbing outside her entrance in anticipation. Stuck in a cycle of pleasing her so she’d let me in, but her being so pleased she didn’t want me to stop. Finally, she c****d her hips forward, and I slipped inside her easily. It took all my self-control to enter slowly, keeping the same rhythm we had established. We rocked together, I put my mouth to hers again, hungry for more than she was ready for and putting that frustration into our locked lips. She matched my hunger to ease my desires, but kept her hands firm on my hips, a silent signal that kept the rest of my body in check. We stayed like that for an endless moment of sensation, s*x, and mated bond. Our minds were linked, our wolves awake and basking in our pleasure as we slowly came to the crest of need and desire. I placed my fingers on her bud again, pressing into her as I pulsed inside her. She groaned and rocked against me faster, I stilled my hips and let her work into me, controlling the depth of me. A few furious moments later and she took my entire length in a final thrust that took me by surprise and had me climaxing in tandem. She practically vibrated against me, her legs shaking, barely supporting her. Her hips pulled back a little but she wasn’t finished yet, her head ducked into the curve of my neck, her teeth finding her mark on me, and without preamble, her teeth were in my flesh, marking me forcefully again as her own. I grinned with pleasure in response and a final surge of my seed spilled into her. We stayed like that for a time, longer than we usually did, due in part to our forced s****l separation that comes with pups. The heat of the shower was dying though, and eventually, she released me, kissing away the drops of blood before kissing my mouth gently. I pulled out of her slowly, relishing the way her body shivered and twitched as it found itself empty again. I kept a tender hold on her while she remembered how to stand again, and let her busy her hands with a wet cloth and soap. She washed me first, while I held her up, massaging my chest, neck, shoulders, and arms. It was enough to bring me up again, and she chuckled softly as she washed my torso, hips, and thighs. She ignored my standing member until her legs had strengthened, then she dropped to a squat and took me in her mouth simultaneously. I gasped loudly, so unprepared was I for that, and she giggled despite her full mouth, the sensation enough to make my knees weaken. She hadn’t stopped washing me either, her hands continuing their services along my legs as her mouth made its work along my shaft. She had me cursing under my breath, unable to do anything more than try to grip the tiled walls instead of her head.  She worked on me with expertise I had almost forgotten she possessed and I was soon spilling myself down her throat.  “Goddess save me from this she-devil,” I muttered as she swallowed around me a second time. I felt myself pulse again as her mouth and throat constricted around me. She pulled back, swallowed, then slowly pulled away from my softening rod. I shivered as she gave the tip a final suckle and lap of her tongue. I gripped her offered hands and pulled her up, kissing her fervently with desire and gratitude. I tried to take the sudsy cloth from her but she shook her head and pushed me to turn around. I grinned at her thoroughness and let her wash my backside as well. Then I took the cloth and set to work washing her with just as much attention as she gave me. Her breasts were leaking slowly and I cleansed them of milk and colostrum. I washed her from neck to foot, giving every inch of her thorough attention. When I reached between her legs, I watched her eyes, looking for a sign that she needed another release as well, but she merely laughed. “I’ll not be able to walk at all if you try that again, my love.” I smiled and kissed her bud anyway, but continued along her body, making her turn around when I finished her feet and worked my way back up to her neck, giving her a final kiss on my mark when I finished. We rinsed quickly as the water was getting cooler and stepped out into the misty bathroom. I picked up a towel and began to dry her myself, toweling even her hair between the terry cloth. She watched me with interest as I did so, always concerned that I would be cold and dry before being satisfied she was well taken care of. She knew now not to argue. I couldn’t help myself, my wolf demanded the opportunity to ensure her care before our own. When we were satisfied, my wolf went back to his quiet self in the corner of my consciousness. I quickly dried off and wrapped up in the second towel. Sasha watched me, enjoying the last glimpses of nakedness. We left the cooling room, leaving the door ajar to let the residual scent into our room. She sauntered to our closet and started pulling out clothes for us both while I checked the clock, 953, absolute perfection. We dressed quietly, I brushed and braided her hair, another task she had ceased to comment on, then woke our children for breakfast. I eyed the table and smiled at Frieda’s all-knowing forethoughts. Cold cereals, biscuits, jam, butter, milk, orange juice, and a large bowl of seasonal fruits. Not a hot item on the table, and so nothing cold that shouldn’t be. We woke Jasen first, let him use the bathroom and brush his hair, then dressed him for the day before setting him at the table. Sasha sat with him and they ate while I woke Lia, changed her diaper and clothes, and kept her entertained until Sasha had finished her breakfast. We traded off. Sasha took Lia for her meal, tucking the babe under her arm to feed at her left breast, while I gathered a plate for myself and ate between Jasen’s mouthfuls.  As Lia was finishing up on Sasha’s right side, I gathered the remains of breakfast and cleaned Jasen’s face and hands. With the tray in my hands and the children in Sasha’s, we finally left our 2nd-floor suite around 1020. It was a little late to be heading down to the care center, but I felt that would be expected today. Sasha made no comment on the time as she led Jasen to his room of pups before going to the nursery. Sasha was a dream with infants. She kept their separate schedules together in a way no one else could comprehend, keeping their parents happy with their different working schedules and everything else. What was chaos to her 3 assistants, was easy and practical for her, yet she was patient in teaching others how to help manage the chaos effectively. “Infants know their schedules,” she preached, “All you have to do is listen to them.” After a quick kiss goodbye, I went to the kitchens to drop our tray. My timing was close, the crew of new pups was ready to run the last few loads into the machine. I smiled and nodded to them in greeting, then quickly sorted the dishes I had brought, placing them in the racks for the machine. They smiled back at me as I left them to their duties and quickly left the kitchen.
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