Chapter Eleven

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The look in his eyes as he had taken me on the desk stayed with me for the rest of the day. It seemed to haunt my every thought. It felt like his eyes could pierce their way into my soul, set fire to it and stomp on the ashes. I had never considered I could be into a man like David. He was possessive, dominating and caring, all wrapped up in a delicious package. Normally, I was the dominant one in relationships and not in the b**m way, just everything was always on my terms. David just constantly stepped in and left me purring like a kitten. We were sitting right opposite each other at dinner, and the look was still there. The hunger and possessiveness hadn't dampened at all. Despite his eyes never leaving mine, he was in the middle of messaging someone. It wasn't until my phone beeped and I saw his name flash up that I realised it was me. I snatched my phone up, paranoid that Em would see, given that she was sitting right next to me. I also knew in my haste hadn't been overlooked by her as she eyed me suspiciously. David: I learnt some Italian today. Aurora: ?? David: Bravo micia I just sat there, staring at the words on the screen. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to respond. How was one supposed to respond to being called a good kitty? David: It reminded me of you, well, except when you are a cattiva micia. Aurora: You need to behave. The only person here being naughty is you. We need to keep a low profile and if you keep this up, everyone will know. David: Maybe you should be able to contain yourself. If you had more self control, it wouldn't be an issue. Aurora: Are you telling me that you don't get off on knowing you can get a reaction from me so easily? "Aurora!" I snapped my head up from my knee where I had been hiding my phone and looked around the table. Every single one of them had their eyes on me, and I had no idea why. "We were discussing it in the office this morning, but I don't think we are going to need any extra bodies for the cabin installation. Are we Aurora?" "No. I agree with David." I barely even knew what I was agreeing to, but at least he had stepped in and stopped me looking like an i***t. Well, he made me look like less of an i***t. "What is going on with you again?" Em was close, but she wasn't particularly careful about her volume. I knew David had messaged again. Despite that, I had no choice but to abandon my phone, face down on the table. Knowing there was a message there waiting from him, it drove me insane. Em leaned in closer and actually lowered her voice. "I don't know who this man is. There obviously is one, but I don't like it. You are normally so put together, a powerhouse, and instead you are behaving like a little kitten chasing around after a ball of yarn." I swallowed hard to try to dislodge the lump that was forming in my throat from her using the same term David had to describe me, even if she meant it as an insult. I knew she was right, but I didn't know why it had to be a bad thing. Did I really need to be that person twenty-four seven? Was it so wrong to be able to let go and let someone else take the reins once in a while? It was what I needed and David was the only one looking closely enough to realise how broken I had become. Em claimed to care, but she hadn't noticed my pain any more than everyone else seated around the table. As soon as dinner was over, David excused himself for his nightly wander out in the cool Italian air. I would have loved to join him, but I couldn't. Emily was watching me way too closely for that. As I leant against the living room wall, I turned my phone over in my hand. David: I love every reaction you have to me. I'm dying to touch you beneath the table. To run my hand up underneath your skirt and see just how big of a reaction you are having. Wishing I hadn't even checked. Not while I was still in front of everyone. It was scary just how strong of a reaction I could have to simple words on a screen. Except it wasn't the text. It was my imagination hearing every word in that soft, husky voice of his. Feeling the heat from his breath as I imagined him whispering the words in my ear. It was more than I could take. I was sure he was doing it on purpose to see how far he could push me before I snapped. He might not want anyone else to know about us anymore than I did, but he was goading me into doing something that would let our secret out. Like chasing him out into the vineyard. Rolling around in the grass like teenagers. All heavy kisses and soft glancing touches. It was as though the whole scenario was playing out in my mind in beautiful technicolour. It felt like I was constantly desperate for his touch. Like at any moment, I would stop breathing without it. I couldn't concentrate on anything but thoughts of him. The issue was only mildly helped by him at least being around, but when he was out of sight, I felt like my body was compelling me to go to him. Aurora: I need you! David: For? Do you need me to do the accounts again? Aurora: Don't! It's not funny. David: Funny? No. Amusing? Yes. Come back to the flat with me tonight? Aurora: I can't! David: Give me one good reason. Aurora: Everyone will notice if I stay out again. David: I said a good reason. I will come and tell everyone right now, if that is the only thing stopping you. He wouldn't. He couldn't. I wasn't certain enough to stop the sudden panic. It was the last thing I wanted. Once everyone knew the truth, it wouldn't be the same. I wanted it to be just the two of us. For it to be uncomplicated. Aurora: Please, don't. David: Oh, you're ashamed of me? Aurora: No! I just don't want everyone to know. For them to be involved. My life is already all about the family. You are the only element that isn't, and I don't want that to change. David: You better meet me at mine then. There is no way I can cope without you tonight. Aurora: Alright. David: Bravo micia It was enough to take my breath away. I straightened and tried to form words. "I'm erm going out. Drinks with... a friend." I scurried up the stairs before anyone could ask me anything. I quickly grabbed a few bits and stuffed them into my oversized handbag. There was no way I intended on looking like I was on another walk of shame in the morning. I wanted to wait to go back downstairs until after David had made his excuses to everyone. Given that I had told everyone I was going out for drinks, I needed to at least look the part. I would have happily turned up to David's in my PJs, but I would have to put more effort in. Slipping into the family bathroom for a shower. I constantly tried to think about something other than David, but I was failing. My imagination was in overdrive and I wasn't sure it would ever be satisfied enough to stop filling my mind with sexy scenes. As I fingered through my underwear drawer, I had a sudden urge to feel sexier than I usually did. Holding up the bodysuit that was nearly entirely white lace. It might have been fabric, but it did nothing to hide my naked flesh. I slipped it on and covered it with a simple black bodycon skirt and a tight-knit v-necked jumper. It wasn't like my outer clothes mattered at all. I was certain they wouldn't be getting much wear at all. I grabbed my bag and headed straight out my bedroom door. I had already been waiting too long, and I was desperate to get into David's arms. Except Emily was there waiting for me. "Where are you going again?" "Drinks." "With friends?" "Yes." "Which friends?" "Trisha and some of her friends from work. Emily, you are being weird." I could feel myself squirming under her intense, searching gaze. "Yeah, I'm the one acting strangely. You're not very dressy for drinks." "It's a quiet pub. Do you think I need to change?" I purposefully looked down at my outfit and put on my best concerned face and hoped to throw her off. "You look fine. For f**k's sake, Aurora, I know you are hiding something." "Even if you were right, do I not deserve a life, Em?" I started for the stairs quickly and hoped she wouldn't follow me down the stairs to inquire more. "I never said that, but you aren't yourself and I'm worried." "I'm fine, Em." If only she knew that the mystery man she was so concerned about was actually the man she trusted the most in the world. She would be relieved, but angry. Still wasn't worth the risk of telling her, but I took solace knowing that she wouldn't be as worried if she knew it was David I was falling for. Pissed, maybe.
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