Chapter Twenty Six

1850 Words
I had hoped that Adam might try and reignite the fire he had stirred in the van, but he seemed reluctant. I knew it wasn't a lack of desire, but something had him holding himself back. It seemed likely to be his notion of what gentlemanly conduct was, but I didn't really care. There was a tinge of guilt in me, shame even. Just the idea of wanting Adam was shameful when I had been with David so recently, but I couldn't help the way I felt. That spark had come out of nowhere and surprised me to my core. Since then, I had struggled to stop thinking about it. Was it real? Was it imagined? I couldn't be certain without some scientific inquiry and that meant experiments. The sort of experiment I would enjoy with Adam. It wasn't like I owed anything to David. I wasn't sure why I felt like I was betraying him, because he was the one who ended things between us. The second he did any loyalty to him ended. Yet still I felt like I was comparing myself to his wife. Wondering if I was hurting him as much as she did. If I should have been more patient with him after what he had been through. It was hardly surprising he was wary of getting into a relationship and, logically speaking, I could see how my age might have magnified that fear for him. It wasn't like I was unreasonable. If he had spoken to me, I would have been open to what he had to say. Except he didn't. He cut and ran. Adam and I had fallen into a comfortable silence as we sipped at the indulgent, velvety hot chocolates Adam had made for us both. I was sitting there wishing that he would make another move. Needing to feel that spark again, wanting to be sure it was actually there before. His kiss had been too brief and the flame too fleeting. I scooted over towards him, leaning my head on his shoulder as we both looked out over the snowy, crisp mountains. Slowly, I lifted my hand and wondered how quickly he would react as I placed it on the top of his thigh. I felt his jaw tense against my head instantly, but he didn't move. His breathing was so close to my ears that I heard it speed up a notch. Knowing how easy it was to have an affect on him gave me a thrill. I wondered if it was wrong that I was enjoying his suffering so much, but I continued regardless. Sliding my hand slowly down his thigh and letting it stray to the inner side. It felt like every single muscle in him tensed. The one beneath my fingertips went rock hard and it made me picture his very muscular legs naked. I didn't know if it was his job or his hobby, but he was very well built. It might make him less comfortable to lie on but he must look amazing. Unfortunately, I wouldn't find out because he was refusing to react to my touch. I changed tact and ran a single finger back up the inside of his thigh. I couldn't decide if he was trying to control himself because of his need to be a gentleman or if there was something else going on. "Aurora!" I lifted my head to look at him, making sure to plaster an particularly innocent look on my face, not that I pulled it off very well. "What?" "You know what." It came out in a low growl between gritted teeth and it took every ounce of control not to burst out laughing at his reaction. "I'm trying to behave, but you are making it difficult." "Why exactly are you behaving?" "Who's David?" My whole body went rigid. On the list of things I thought he might give as a reason, that wasn't there at all. I recoiled slightly at the sound of the name on Adam's lips. It was almost like two worlds colliding with only two words forcing them together. "Em's dad." I looked at the ground, feeling more ashamed than I was comfortable with. Not even really knowing why. "I popped into the office earlier. I expected you to still be working. The vineyard is so important to you and I know you find it hard to step away." He never attempted to look at me, just kept his eyes on the slopes. "I spoke to Em. She said you were making the cabins your priority. Judging by the murderous look in David's eyes when he looked at me, I'm guessing he's the reason why." I seriously considered brushing it off. Trying to convince him that he was reading too much into it. But I couldn't. Adam deserved better, he deserved the truth. "The vineyard, particularly the office, is my safe space. That was until the day we met. David was the reason I ended up at Luca's place that day. It wasn't anything long term or anything. He arrived in Italy five weeks ago and we started a fling. It was all too complicated, with Em, his wife, the age difference. He called it off." I shrugged but knew I hadn't done a good enough job of appearing unaffected. "You love him?" "I could have. I was falling for him, but all that is over now." It felt like I had ruined everything. At the very least, I wanted to cling to our friendship. I didn't want to feel like I had lost yet another person. The feeling of loss was starting to overwhelm me when his arm slowly moved around my shoulder. It started out almost comforting, but his grip tightened, pulling me into him. He just kept on pulling until we were facing one another and my chest was plastered against him. I found myself looking up into those deep, neverending dark pools of his and found myself drowning in the abyss. I barely had a grip on reality when his face started inching closer to mine. My lips parted slightly all on their own. The anticipation of what was coming was enough to make my body subconsciously welcome him. It was something inside me calling out to something inside of him. The only way I could think to describe it was like whales calling to each other from across the ocean. As though Adam filled something within me that I was missing. I just wasn't sure what that something was. As his lips finally met mine, the warmth and softness took me by surprise. The gentleness as he parted my lips further apart shocked me to my core. After earlier in the van, I had expected the same hot and heavy assault on my senses. Instead of demanding my attention like before, he was vying for it. As I yielded to him, he got everything he was asking for. He got my cooperation, my attention, and he stopped my brain from being able to remember any other man who existed in the world. All I could focus on was Adam and the way his tongue swirled around mine. Before had been a quick, intense fire that had disappeared as quickly as it had ignited, but, the softness in his approach made that second kiss so different. The warmth was slowly building and I knew instinctively that I wouldn't be able to shake it easily. He was giving it time to take hold, to root itself in my very soul. As he moved slowly down my body, running his fingers down as he did, I could still barely register anything but that kiss. The whisper of him still floated around my mouth as though he had never moved. As his fingers slipped slightly into my waistband, it brought me back to reality slightly, but barely. Again my body decided for itself to lift my bum cheeks from the bench, just enough for him to slide my jeans down past the wood of the bench. He left them pooled at my ankles and I felt rather disappointed. He scooped both my legs up in the air and slid himself between my legs. It felt like he went at superspeed. My thong was quickly moved out of the way and he flashed me a cheeky grin and winked before lowering his head. Instantly sucking hard at my clit. I threw my head back at the sudden and unexpected rush of pleasure. Groaning and squirming in response to his warmth. As he released my already swollen bud and licked at it slowly, tenderly. It was almost like he was trying to sooth it. Then out of no where he sucked hard again. "f**k, Adam." My whole body tensed in response. Then he returned to his tender licks. Dropping into a rhythm of driving me crazy, then calming me. Forcing me to scream out again and again. I didn't think I could take anymore, that anything could cause as much pleasure. Adam, however, had other ideas. His fingers slid inside me so smoothly that I barely recognized the sensation until he hit my G-spot. Sending me groaning backwards again, back arched and limbs stiff. He paused his assault on my clit and looked up at me. I could feel his eyes feasting on me even with my head thrown back. The fact that it had come out of nowhere just made all the feelings and sensations more heightened. The spontaneity of the situation was refreshing. Not having to worry about anything or anyone, except for the two of us. Adam was simple and carefree, young and adventurous, not to mention exactly what I needed. It was clear as he edged me closer and closer to the obvilvion that he knew exactly what he was doing. The slow sweeping of his fingers changing to deep thrusts, his lips returning to suck hard on my clit. The almost constant pressure forced the pants from my lips, as I climbed higher and higher. There might not have been any words passing between us, but each time his eyes landed on mine, the meaning was clear. His eyes danced with lust and power. He was turned on by his ability to make me lose my mind. "Come for me baby." I didn't know if it was the slight warmth of his breath caressing me as he spoke or his words, but my body gave way to his request. My v****a clenched around his fingers, pulsating over and over again. It felt like the throbbing engulfed my entire body as I tensed up and my toes curled inside my boots. When my body finally relaxed, I felt like I never wanted to move again. A sleepy hazy washing over me as the after effects of the orgasm stormed through my body. "When I'm done with you, you won't be able to name another man." In my exhausted state, all I could think was that I was already there. My brain had no space for anyone but Adam.
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