Chapter 29 (Pt. 1)

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Rithian was not happy. Misa had arrived at the fountain half an hour after their appointed time. Their way to the secret training area was filled with passive aggressive insults that left Misa drained by the time they started. The night's lesson was similar to their first session, only this time, Rithian made sure to make it even more miserable. And, Misa had to trigger her instinctive spell over and over again until the slightest touch set it off. Rithian sneered when Misa tried to bewitch her for the last time. "Not good enough. Why don't you try another tactic?" "I don't get what you—" "Why is it that when you bewitch me, all I get is a nasty taste at the back of my throat?" Misa leaned back, trying to put even a little more distance between her and the witch. "I-I don't..." "Let me ask you another question." Rithian crossed her arms. "Have you ever bewitched a woman?" A woman? Misa thought hard, sifting through the memories of that tingly magic covering her skin. There were several women she might have bewitched, though it was difficult to determine if they were the true target or if the spell had any effect. She did recall one woman who had given Misa what she wanted after a spell, but she wasn't sure if it was her magic working or if the woman was just really, really kind. "I don't know," she finally said. A sharp pain rattled her as the magic within her suddenly jerked outwards. Power radiated from Rithian, her pool of magic drawing Misa's out. "Give me a straight answer, girl. I will not be soft on you today." The pull strengthened, a hard tug that might have reeled her arteries out of her skin. Misa tried not to cry out. She had to speak through the suffocation. "Y-yes. At least once, I believe it was successful..." "And what about children?" "Ch-children?" The mere thought turned her stomach. "No! Never! I would never—" The pressure stopped. Misa gasped at the sudden release and staggered back as the magic rushed back into her. The witch raised a brow. "As I thought. You're so inexperienced that you only bewitch them in one specific way." "I didn't know there were more than one bewitching spells," Misa said, a little dryly. Rithian did not appreciate it, evidenced by a hand falling across Misa's cheek. "I won't tolerate any insolence from you," Rithian warned. "There is more than one way to bewitch someone. The easiest is through attraction—seducing them, if you will." Misa forced thoughts of the captain out of her mind. She did not bewitch him, at least she didn't remember ever doing so without him breaking her spell. It was drunk talk. That was all. Rithian continued, "However, there is a limit in attraction. You can only go so far if one is strong enough to resist your advances. Most of the time, it is caused by awareness, repulsion, or apathy. If one does not find you charming, why would they fall into your trap, even if you force them? You'll only reveal yourself and turn them against you." Misa shuddered. That was why Ervan had acted the way he did. Instead of letting her go, he had practically lost his sanity in his attempt to kill her. "So, what are the other spells?" "They're not different spells." The witch's tone suggested she thought Misa was stupid. "They're variations. Just a little tweak for you to approach them with a different relationship. If you find an old married woman who has what you need, then it'll be easier to bewitch her by being her daughter instead of her lover. Or take a child to do your bidding. Bewitching them by being a friend or a mother would be far more successful than being something they cannot comprehend. Do you understand?" "But how?" Rithian's lips peeled back, more into a snarl than a smile. "Why don't you find out for yourself? Bewitch me." Misa took a deep breath and focused on the swirl of magic within her. It was restless, almost eager when she connected her thoughts to it, as though it was waiting for her instructions. Her previous lesson with Rithian had ingrained a sort of readiness that sprung the spell the moment Misa 'touched' it with her mind. Now, all she had to do was picture the person and the bewitchment began. She felt her magic flow through her in familiar tingles as her spell took hold of Rithian, wrapping around the witch. Misa's brows knitted in concentration. There was something... A slap. It took a few seconds before her cheek registered the pain. Misa fought the tears that sprung up from the sting, and she forced her hands to remain by her side. "You're doing it wrong!" Rithian hissed. "I don't want to be your lover, you stupid girl. You think that's how you'll get me on your side?" "What do you want me to do?" Misa blew up. "I don't know how to control my magic! Why do you insist on taking the most convoluted way to teach me how to control my spell? Just teach me how to control it, and we can be finished with this mess!" Another slap, harder than before. Misa was sure her cheek was swollen by now. "Don't you question me! It doesn't take a genius to figure it out. You are a witch, whether you like it or not, and I'm going to make sure to nurture your magic the proper way. You should be grateful, brat, because it's the only worth you have. Now, bewitch me!" Misa couldn't stop the tears from falling as she began the spell once more. She wanted to tear Rithian down, to make her feel as small as she made Misa feel, to destroy every bit of cruel dignity the witch held. Find the weakness. Misa blinked. The weakness? The voice in her head was not her own, that much she was sure. Who was helping her? She pushed the thought aside. That didn't matter, at least not now. Misa shut her eyes and concentrated. There was something odd she had felt before Rithian interrupted her with a slap. She sifted through the magic flowing within her, understanding exactly how she appeared to Rithian. Her cheeks had colored, her lips had tinted a shade darker, and she was sure her figure was accentuated to be as sensual as possible. But there was something wrong. Rithian was resisting the spell. Misa's enchantment reached towards the witch like invisible strings, but they all fell limp or cut away before they reached her. And there lay the problem. There was some sort of barrier around Rithian that prevented Misa's magic from going through to her. Misa's spell was cut short by another slap. She didn't let that faze her. Her spell immediately picked up where it left off. But, this time, Misa wasn't going straight to enhancing her appearance. No. She was feeling Rithian out, sensing what weakened her. And then, her magic engulfed her. Misa felt like she was becoming sort of older, as if she was being sharpened by years of experience she could never have had. She stood straighter, confident with an air of expectancy that everyone would listen to her. Her posture oddly accentuated her figure, but it wasn't to seduce anyone this time. It was to appear hardened—mature like Misa had all the answers to the world. She raised her chin and looked Rithian dead in the eye, almost daring the witch to challenge her. "So, you've figured it out." Rithian seemed unfazed. She broke the spell with a wave of her hand. Misa shuddered as if she was shedding the confident, authoritative skin. "It took you long enough," Rithian said, still in a sour mood. "It should have been like instinct, but you're so out of touch with your magic that it took several nights." Misa straightened her posture. She was beyond exhausted. The switch in her last spell had drained all the energy she had left, and she was more than ready to leave. "Can I go now?" Rithian shrugged. "You've done all you could tonight. Any more magic from you, and you'll be nothing but a husk. Go rest, and don't be late tomorrow." Misa shivered at the unsaid threat behind the last command. She evaded the thought of what would happen if she disobeyed and made her way out of the passageway. Rithian didn't bother to walk Misa to the fountain, but Misa had drawn a map in her mind that directed her back to the warehouse. Exhaustion seeped the last bit of energy Misa had left. She saw the captain sleeping soundly under her cloak, and envy bubbled in her chest. So peaceful, so content. The hard ground had never looked so inviting. She reached for the bag under the captain's head, but her hand fell limp on top of it. "Do you mind if I rest a little before we go back?" Misa murmured. She slumped next to the captain, struggling to keep her eyelids open. "Just for a few minutes. Then, I'll get dressed, and we can go..." The last thing she remembered was the warmth that welcomed her to sleep.
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