Chapter 57

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"A boy?" The girl Misa identified as Nisha paced in front of the bed. She was older than she was in Misa's previous dreams. Older in the sense that her body had developed, and the first signs of her beauty bloomed. "Has the old oak tipped you over? This is madness!" "He is good to me," Misa found herself speaking. "Why can you not accept that? I have gifted him with the truth, and he still wishes to be with me." "He is a peasant boy, not nobility. No one will know if we run away together. He promised." Nisha's eyes bulged. "You plan to elope! What corrupt thoughts has he been feeding you? Mother must know." "No!" Misa stood from her bed. "Please, keep this from Mother. She will kill him." "Perhaps it's for the best. He'll only bring us trouble.""Wait! No, sister, please!" Misa ran after Nisha, tears streaming down her eyes. "You don't understand!" This is a dream. Misa halted her steps. She took a deep breath. This is a dream. A ripple threatened to tear through her vision."Mother!" Nisha's voice was muffled beyond whatever veil had come between Misa and the memory. I am in control. Misa willed for the scene before her to disappear, and before she could even blink, blackness surrounded her. Pleas of fear rattled the silence before fading into nothing but echoes.She searched the inky nothingness that stretched before her, sending a surge of her conscience deep into the power that pulsed within her. Tika's presence was familiar, still holding the essence of her spirit, and Misa could feel her. Misa could feel the witch—some strange, ethereal part of the witch—come forth to greet her. Though it spoke no words, it offered Misa its power. It swirled and pinched and engulfed her, giving her the knowledge of what she could do with it. A ball of light floated above her, but it revealed nothing in the abyss. A chair, startlingly clear despite the blackness, flew by, almost playfully nudging at her. Secret, ancient words poured like golden light, whispering in Misa's ears, teaching her the spells of old. Enough! And everything vanished. Misa felt the confusion from the magic. It surged forward, wrapping around her, asking her why she refused it. Asking why she pushed it away.It searched her, sifted through her thoughts. Misa struggled against it, fought it as it took over her mind. Stop it! Stop it this instance! But it ignored her commands, entering her, deeper, deeper, deeper until it reached her most private thoughts and wishes. Until it touched her greatest fears.Then, the voices invaded her. Her father, pleading her to stay with him, her mother, crying for her to forgive them. "We were protecting you!" "She deserves to know!" "Misa! Misa! MISA!" The suffocation. The imprisonment. Spending the rest of her days staring at the same four walls, never able to see the world like she desired. The fear seeped into a putrid odour. Bile stung the back of Misa's throat. Chains made of shadows rattled around her, unbreakable no matter how much she struggled. Holding them was her mind's image of Royle who shone bright despite the drab colour of his uniform, who held so much kindness and strength and warmth.Trapped. Tied down like she had been her whole life. Not by her parents, but by Royle. No matter how much part of her desired it, no matter how much her heart and body ached to have him close to her, she could never cross that line. The line that had turned into a chasm so deep, she would never stop falling. And then, the worst of them all. Leira, Royle and Torren, crumpled to a heap, lifeless, dead next to Colvin Watcher and Taketh Weatherbay because Misa had failed. Because Misa was too weak, too shortsighted to save them. Losing them because she had been unable to do just a little more. Her friends. The only ones she could ever trust and love, snatched away, slipping through her fingers because she didn't have the energy for that one last push that would have clamped over them. Saved them. NO! Misa shut the doors, silencing the cries, silencing the anger and fury and hurt. Tika's magic jerked away as if scalded. It rippled with unease. That's not why I've come. Misa pushed her will forward. That's not why I've stopped you from showing me what happened a century ago. Tika's magic bristled. It attempted once more to get into Misa's memories, but she clamped down on it. Listen to me! Misa demanded. It struggled within her grasp, pulsating, thrashing like a trapped animal. Please, just listen to me! Still, it fought against her. Until Misa threw it forward, hurling it away from her. An explosion pushed back at her, so strong that Misa had to raise her arm to protect herself even in her intangible world of dreams.There was something tugging at her. A hint of hurt, a touch of loneliness. A conscience not of her own. I want answers, Misa projected. Show me how to cloak you. Show me how I can stop you from draining out of me. The magic shriveled away from her, almost in fear. In Misa's mind, there was nothing that could veil her thoughts, and she knew it could feel the burning desire she had to purge it from her body. Misa demanded once more for it to show her how to cloak. It shied away from her, molding away from her touch. You've done it before. You've shown me that you are a cycle. You've shown me what you can do. So, show me how I can use you. Show me how I can control you. Silence. Misa sensed it was still there, somewhere in the darkness of her mind, hiding away from her. She sifted through her thoughts, her emotions, every abstract part of her being. Shìt. And there it sat, swirled, existed. In the part of Misa's mind that she never wanted to venture into—right inside the locked chest that Misa had stored everything about Royle, threatening to release the contents into her dreams. You're a coward. Misa dared to nudge the chest. Stop hiding. Stop invading my thoughts. It touched a memory. The blackness hazed into a foggy vision. She was back in the shed with tears in her eyes. It was strange. The sense of utter worthlessness she'd felt back then had completely vanished, and though she was still crying, she now experienced the memory with conviction and gratitude. Royle held her hand and in a voice gentler than she remembered, he said, "You're not weak. You're not worthless. And you're not stupid." He probably had no idea that those words alone were enough to give her the strength to push forward. That's not fair. Misa forced the memory away, stepping back into the darkness of her mind. Show me how to cloak you. But it remained within the chest and cringed behind another memory. She found herself in his arms, awkward because he was on top of the blanket and she was beneath. A dream—no, a memory—had woken her up early the morning after Tika's passing, and she had given into the temptation to study the captain as he slept. He looked so peaceful and relaxed without the weight of his mission weighing him down. She closed her eyes to bask in his presence even though she knew she should leave. She could hear her heart tear, yearning to be with him at this moment and jerking away at the same time. She managed to break away. Why are you doing this? "Maybe," Royle whispered, "I've started to want something I shouldn't have. Because I'm selfish, and I want to believe that there are things in this world worth living for." Misa barely held in a gasp. It was too much, the memory she tried so hard to avoid returning in full force as though she was experiencing it all over again. She felt his touch, saw the sincerity in his eyes, and she briefly wondered if she could allow the kiss to take place because it was only a dream. Please. "Misa." Royle's voice echoed in her ears. Even as Misa shoved the memory back into the chest. He called her, so sweetly it made her heart clench. "Misa." Her conscious mind stirred. Tika's magic peeked from within the chest of Royle's memories. It knew she didn't have long before she wouldn't be able to converse with it anymore. Why can't you just leave me alone? What do you want from me? "Wake up!" It pushed forward a thought, a feeling. Almost like a whisper, though no words had been uttered. The meaning, the concept was still clear as day. Misa began to feel someone shaking her. She clung onto what the magic was trying to tell her, forming it into a coherent thought that she could comprehend. Her anger and frustration dissipated and an understanding passed between them. Her consciousness pulled at her, a hand on her shoulder. "Misa, wake up!" Misa took one more look at Tika's magic and gave it a nod. Somehow, it nodded back. Opening her eyes, Misa saw Torren hovering over her, concern creasing his brow. "Are you okay? I've been trying to wake you for ages." Misa smiled, then grimaced once the pain registered. Her limbs ached. Her spine felt like it was going to snap. Her temples throbbed. It was familiar to the way she awoke when she lost control of Tika's magic, and when she remembered how it had exploded when she pushed it away from her, she realised it had done it again. This time, however, it had been Misa's own doing. "You worry too much," Misa said. Torren backed away to let her sit up. She groaned as her stiffened muscles strained. "You were crying," Torren said. Misa wiped her face and felt wet cheeks. She rubbed her eyes. "I was dreaming. What time is it?" She glanced at the window to see that the day had darkened. "I came to wake you up for dinner." "Thanks, Torren." Misa sniffed. "I'll be right out. Give me a second alone, okay?" Though he seemed reluctant, Torren nodded. "Yeah, okay. If you need anything, just give me a shout." "I will." When Torren left the room, Misa fell back onto her pillow. She sighed and clenched her hands, going over what she had learned. The message Tika's magic had sent to her still rang loud and clear in her head, hanging over her like a thundercloud ready to strike her with lightning at any moment. I am yours now. * * * * The moment Misa stepped inside the secret cavern, she felt the oppressive force of Rithian's magic. She took a moment to breathe, though she had gotten used to feeling like she was being pressed down by a mountain during her training. "Cloak, Misa," Rithian commanded before Misa even reached the circle around the expanse of the room. Misa slowed her breaths. She found it was easier to deal with such an oppressive power when she didn't gasp for air. She wondered if it wouldn't affect her at all once she could contain every bit of Tika's magic within her instead of resorting to pouring out the excess before her lessons. "Cloak!" Misa closed her eyes. She reached down for the magic, gently tapping it. It responded to her touch, but before it could manifest into anything, Rithian's magic began to absorb it. No! Misa struggled to remain still. You have to cloak! Rithian strengthened her power. She was not going to go easy on Misa this time. "The gathering is in two days. If you do not cloak before then, I will drain your magic and leave your husk for the crows." Misa gritted her teeth. Her knees gave even though she had tried so hard to keep them locked, and she found herself on the ground. It pushed her, drained her, slow and agonising. No! I'll learn how to cloak. I have to. Her fingers curled into fists. Misa forced her mind from the pressure on her entire being to the subtle conscience residing within her. She reached for it, gently, pushing her mind forward. Please cloak! Cloak! Tika's magic pulsated, recoiling, shrinking as it drained from Misa's body. Cloak or we'll both die! Misa reached for it, the fingers of her mind grazing its hot, powerful surface. She gasped as it struck out, stinging her. "Cloak, you stupid girl, before I kill you!" Rithian reduced her magic presence, slowing the flow of Tika's magic. "Cloak!" Pain. It was so strange. She could still feel the sting, as if she'd been pricked by a thorn, yet it wasn't physical. Misa couldn't begin to describe it. How could her mind feel pain? But the questions would have to wait. Rithian's threats weren't empty, and if Misa didn't find a way out, she was going to shrivel up right where she sat. Cloak. Misa blew out a breath. You. And me. Cloak. She tried once more, reaching for the magic, cooing to soothe its erratic pulse. It struggled between Rithian's tug and Misa's pull. We must work together. Misa felt around it, sensed its flow. She touched it, gently. Stay with me. The magic began to quiver, though not from agitation. It took Misa a moment to realise it was fighting against the current of Rithian's magic. It was slowing its flow, but it was still unable to completely cut off. So, Misa joined it. She found the strings, wrapped it around herself, and pulled. A weight lifted from her chest. She let the magic flow through her, back to where it resided for most of her life. Trickling through her, straining against the natural attraction it had for a larger pool of magic. Pull. Grab. Pull. Grab. And then, when every bit of it finally rested, Misa conjured a chest and trapped it. It thudded, panicking, but Misa eased it with a thought. You're with me. She inhaled deeply, no longer feeling the pressure of Rithian's magic. Finally. Misa pushed herself to her feet and met Rithian's eyes. The witch was grinning at her, with such a wicked glee that Misa took a step back. "You've cloaked," she said. Misa nodded. "It took you long enough." Rithian smiled. "Now, then. Uncloak it." Holding in a sigh, Misa once again dove into her mind. The box lay still, but Tika's presence emanated like an aura, a scent that could not be hidden. Misa opened it, pouring the magic back into its active state. A thud rippled through her skull. Misa groaned, staggering as the sudden pressure in her head blurred her vision. "What's going on?" She gasped, her pulse quickening. The sharp knife behind her eyes withdrew, leaving a dull ache behind. The magic was somehow even more present in her mind, like an itch that had become a rash. "Cloak." "What?" "Cloak." Rithian began once more, this time releasing her full power. It was all Misa could do to clamp onto the magic and force it back into the box. In this way, their training continued, with Rithian demanding Misa to cloak or uncloak as soon as she accomplished one or the other, not giving Misa enough time to breathe each time Tika's magic lashed out when it was released. It was a problem she would have to solve on her own. For now, as Rithian pelted commands at her, forcing her to push and pull at Tika's magic, Misa's only focus was her own survival.
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