Chapter 26. Insecurity

1954 Words

Red Will you join us…  Red didn’t believe these words actually escaped his mouth. After everything he said, he really had managed to take the audacity and ask Cath such a thing. Cath had every right in the world to curse him to the hells. Who would follow someone who offered only vague ass truths and told make-believe stories of fiends and evil gods?  In his place, Red would probably laugh at such a proposition. It sounded absurd, even more so because no plan or anything solid was offered to back it up. It was still too early for it. Yet, he hoped. He hoped that Cath would believe him once again, that just this one more time the elf would choose to unite with him and stand by his side when he did what he had to do in order to make the world right again. He didn’t need an army, too many h

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