Chapter 42. Sorrow

1951 Words

Red A week. Seven days and seven nights passed, and there was no help, and no way out. Jade’s screams had turned to silent whimpers, but they were as loud as thunders in Red’s ears. They had tried everything, tossing and kicking, but nothing worked, and cursing and squeezing power out of the dead air around them, but nothing worked. And what could possibly work? They were sealed in a cave under a mountain of darkness, in an unbreakable fortress.  Red was going mad with worry, and if it wasn’t for Cath, he would probably break, anything to save Jade from this hell. He believed he was free? He was never free after all. The torture was still there, a new kind of torture, one meant for the heart and the soul, opposed to the one meant for the body. But it was always present. Red was standing

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