Chapter 10. Broken

1900 Words

Red Red. This stupid elf never stopped calling him that way, making Skaris want things that would never be. And then Cath never gave up until he dragged Skaris with him back into the f*****g world he so desperately wanted to leave forever. The male literally pushed Skaris down the window and into the wild forest surrounding the royal towers to do it, and Skaris never had a say in it at all.          Now they were all hiding in the damn cave across the mountain top – Skaris, Cath, and the trembling human girl who didn’t dare to make a move in Skaris’ presence. Cath was wounded, barely alive after that stray arrow hit his chest, and Skaris… he was not Skaris anymore.          Back then, a day and a half ago, when Skaris saw the elf look at him with so much hope in his bright eyes the exac

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