Chapter 3

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Princess Anabelle POV As I am already late, I am again going to be bad side on mother’s temper again. Nothing new, my step mother has always been very disappointing towards me and has shown her dislike towards me in every step of my life since growing up. I am princess Anabelle of Westminster Abbey, Monrique. Everything is as expected after losing my mom having a step mother breathing down your neck all the time as you grow up and has been evil, no motherly love which she gives her own daughter Roselyn. “Ma’am your bath is ready” I come out of my thinking when I hear my lady’s maid saying that the bath is ready. “Huh, okay” saying that I walk towards the adjoining room which is living room, walk in closet and has a bathroom of marble floors. Checking the temperature of the water, I take a bath which hopefully calm my muscles, if not my mind. Once I am done with my bath, I get out and wear my rob. I see that my lady’s maid was already waiting with my dress ready. She had picked a blue maxi dress with floral print. Once done wearing them with the help of the maid, I tie the scarf around my neck. My hair was left with natural curls, the maid had blow dried them and left it open as per my instructions. Applying a light amount of compact and a lip gloss to make my lips shiny. I apply some kohl in my eyes, which sums up my look. I was done getting ready. My maid gives me a smile, as I turn around to face her “Her majesty, The Queen is waiting in the green parlor, my lady” she informs me. “Thank you, Lucy” giving her a kind smile, I walk out of my room and into the corridor with white marble floors and intricate designing lights in the walkway. At the end of the corridor was a floor to ceiling window which gives a spectacular view of the landscape surrounded with green trees. The castle Monrique is at Brent wood hills with its impressive lightings that shines as the night appears. The long passage driveway and entrance of the hardwood floors with a few steps to climb. The long corridor which leads to an open living area that includes an elegant formal dining area with glass door to the backyard of the east wing. Main living space offers a family room and three receiving rooms with an atmospheric fire place. To the right is the butler’s kitchen with walk in pantry and expensive wine room, dining space with custom light emitting diode (LED) wine wall piece, living room with stunning wall work to show off the craftmanship of the fine modern castle. The celestial master bedroom includes vaulted tray ceiling, enchanting window walk in closet, shoe closet, balcony and master bath with large walk in shower. And lastly a terrace overlooking the mountain and the lands on Monrique fine vineyards. Overall it is a stunning place to live in. Anyone would be happy to be a princess and stay in this castle, loved by parents, but not everything is same as it looks. Even though the castle is everyone’s dream, it holds secrets and dark days for the princess. I, princess Anabelle, the daughter of the king’s fist wife where losing your own mother at a tender age, where your only hope is the other parent, your father, The King of Monrique. It was the day when I did not only lose my mother but also lost my only other living parent. The father who was supposed to be my protector and guide turned bling eye to all that I face through his second wife. Little by little, all my hopes shattered into nothingness. The castle’s people kept me going. Life is too short for always being sad and that is the only motivation which helps me in always moving on with a smile on my face and accepting the way it is. I reach the end of the stairs and walk the long hallways, once I reach the green parlor. The guard stationed outside smiles at me with a curtsy and announces my presence to Queen Mother “Your majesty, her royal highness, Princess Anabelle is here”  As mother bids me to come in, I walk inside with a nervousness which I always try to hide and not show my weak point to the evil step mother. Once I stand near the chair, “good morning Queen mother” I do a deep curtsy, usually daughter do not curtsy in front of the queen, but as I am not her own daughter, the queen wants me to curtsy whenever I greet her. Ignoring my greeting, she gives me a once over, taking in my appearance. As usual she looks down upon me. To say I am least bothered about what she thinks of my choice of clothes, because the step mother that she is, she likes to make my every day, a bad day. At some point of time in my life as growing up, I had stopped caring what she thinks of me and about the way I live my life. “What took you so long to get ready?” she asks in her rude voice. I hold my body posture stiff as she walks near me “I am sorry Queen mother; it won’t happen next time” my voice low and head down. “Next time if you keep me waiting, the consequences will be dire” she snaps at me in her hard voice. “You are lucky as I am in jovial mood today, otherwise you would have your punishment” she adds further to spite me. The next things that happened was something which happens once a time. A scream threatens to spill past my lips at the agony that courses through my head. I feel light headed. Blinking back the tears, I give a stiff nod as she asks “am I clear?” through clench teeth. “Yes, Queen mother” was my reply. “Our morning shopping schedule is cancelled as there are guest coming in the evening” I wait for her to continue, trying not to groan knowing that another evening where she will try to humiliate me in front of her guests. “Why is there a scowl on your face?” I snap out of my thinking when queen mother gives me an angry stare. “Immediately, I curve my lips into smiling. She was about to give me a good hearing when I am unbeknown saved by the entry of her daughter Roselyn. “Mother, I hear guest are coming” turning towards her daughter, she gives her loving smile. “yes, Princess. They are, but it is for her” Queen mother inclines her head towards me. I raise a confused brow at that. ‘What are they talking about’ I was lost in my thinking. I did not hear the rest of the talks. I am more worried about who might be coming and who are today’s guest. Whether these guests will bring a new beginning or the bad ending to my already messed up life. I watch with an envious smile as I see the Queen mother caressing her daughter lovingly. I wish there was some one out there to give me that kind of care. Unknown to the fact that her life was going to change either for good or for worse, as the princess was still processing the things. What she did not expect was her life taking a full three sixty degree. It was not something she was expecting as the evening comes.
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