
363 Words
"Cora" a voice, followed by knocking on the door caused her to lift her head up and sigh. "You alright in there?" The voice continued, "half the schools calling you crazy, you know." He informs her. "I don't care. Go away." Cora yells, tears cascading down her face. "I'll go away when you come out of there. Those cleaning supplies contain serious chemicals." The boy tells her, knocking harder on the door. "You could either die or get high from the fumes!" He exclaims, pounding on the door. Cora huffs, grabbing her frumpy old backpack and using the doorknob to pull herself up from the floor. She uses the sleeve from her hoodie to dry her face before reintroducing herself to the outside world. "What's gotten into you?" Cora was met by a familiar friend, Robbie, someone she'd met at the group home and was kind of starting to adore. "It's nothing" Cora lies, averting her eyes. Instead of falling victim to his dreamy icy eyes and his strawberry blonde hair, she locked them onto her sneakers, which had become dirty from accidentally stomping through a muddy puddle during her walk to school. Robbie uses his index finger to gently lift Cora's face, giving her no choice but to look at him. "You're lying." Robbie states, simply. It didn't take long for Cora to give in. Robbie pulls her to the side, out of the hallway traffic. "The police showed up at my house this morning. They arrested my father." Cora manages to choke out, immediately burying her face in Robbie chest in attempt to suppress her sobs. "Wait, what?" Robbie questions. "Why?" Cora sniffles and looks up at him. "They... they think..." but she couldn't bring herself to finish the sentence. Robbie put the pieces together quickly. "No way." He lets out, taking in a deep breath. "I know he's a horrible person but I don't think he's that horrible!" Cora cried out. "And to make matters worst, they're taking me to the station after school for questioning." Cora confessed. "All of this because of Victoria? What's gotten into Carl?" Robbie questioned, feeling sorry for everything his friend was currently going through.
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