Chapter 399: Why did his heart race just now?

1510 Words

But this time... Could it really be because of that woman, Diana? Patrick pondered, unable to come up with any other explanation. "Cough, cough." Standing in the light snow, Yosef couldn't help but cough a couple of times. "Sir, we should get inside quickly." Patrick immediately slipped a hand warmer into Yosef's grasp. Behind them, Kirin and Natalie stepped out of the car, gazing at Yosef's figure with growing concern. "The temperature has been dropping rapidly these past few days, and Mr. Nelson's condition seems to have worsened again," Natalie said, her worry evident. "You'd better worry about yourself. Mr. Nelson told you not to come, so why did you follow us?" Kirin shot her a sidelong glance. Previously, due to her unauthorized actions, Yosef had ordered Kirin to give Nata

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