Chapter 421: A Fool

1519 Words

"That's a miss. Crying looks the same as laughing for her." "Wow, is she a robot? Could we get some expressions, please?" "I counted; during that act just now, she rolled her eyes six times and pouted seven times..." Leo rolled his eyes at Anthony. "Shut it. With your 'acting dead' skills, you have the nerve to judge others?" "You're the one acting dead! I'm portraying a warrior sealed in slumber!" "Isn't that just a dead person?" "Is sleeping the same as being dead?!" As the two bickered, suddenly, another girl stepped onto the stage. Dressed in a black gown, quite elegant. Diana glimpsed at her face, momentarily surprised. Then, her expression turned grim. Damn. She hadn't expected to encounter a familiar face here. Scarlett? All sorts of oddities seemed to gather here. Af

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