Chapter 252: Weren't the rumors pretty accurate?

1538 Words

Rose's expression grew increasingly perplexed. "What nonsense are you all talking about? Ms. Thompson is clearly—" "Diana, is that you?" Suddenly, a voice filled with shock echoed from the doorway. Diana adjusted her dress as she leaned against the table, her head tilted as she cast a glance behind Scarlett. And there he was, her nephew Liam. Without missing a beat, she responded, "It's me." Liam held a champagne glass, stepping into the room. His eyes widened, a bit taken aback. When he arrived at the old mansion, Ethan had informed him that Diana was waiting in the side hall, asking him to look after her. Yet, as soon as he got here, he saw her in an extravagant dress, an ethereal beauty that seemed unreal! Could this really be the same Diana he knew?! Diana stood to the side, ca

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