Chapter 336: Aren't we the best of buddies?

1521 Words

A shiver ran down his spine, and he stood there frozen in place. Could this really be happening? Diana, oblivious to his internal turmoil, introduced them. "Ben, this is my teammate Leo. You should know him." Ben held her hand and whispered in her ear, "Don't be fooled by his good looks; he's actually quite immature. Don't let his on-screen image deceive you." Diana rolled her eyes internally, thinking, Ben, you're no less immature, are you? "I got it," she nodded with a faint smile. Hearing her voice, Leo felt like his chest was about to constrict. Familiar! This voice... So incredibly familiar! Ben had Diana seated at the table and was completely oblivious to Leo's somewhat unusual expression. "Diana, this is the Russian braised beef I made for you, along with some salmon sash

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