Chapter 319: Press conference

1519 Words

After what that jerk X put Mitbahl through, he was more and more careful about the money part. Diana pulled out her smartphone and efficiently transferred a thousand dollars. Upon hearing the notification sound, Mitbahl immediately handed over his own phone. "Ma'am, everything you asked for is here. Please check." Looking at the worn-out device, Diana furrowed her brow. Then she said, "Why is this phone so beat up? I have a spare one at home; you can have it." "Ma'am..." Mitbahl covered his mouth, his eyes welled up with tears. He knelt down and hugged Diana's thigh tightly. "Ma'am, you are like a parent to me! I shouldn't have doubted you! From now on, I will do anything for you..." Diana, with a blank expression, kicked him away a few meters. "No need for that, just be a normal

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