Chapter Three-3

132 Words
“Wh-what?” she said. “But you were in check from my queen!” “And my knight blocks your queen, and puts your king in the s**t. You’ll need to take it with your queen, sweetie,” I told her sarcastically. “My pawn takes your queen, and then you’re pretty much screwed. You’ve got no other strength in the middle of the board. Resign.” I stood up from my chair and walked towards her. She was staring in amazement at the pieces on the board. “You bastard!” she whispered. “Poor loser?” I asked her. I took her hands and pushed them behind her. “I have to say though Christine, I admire the tactics. S&M chess. We must do it again soon. After you’ve had your n*****s pierced maybe?” I kissed her, and she sighed softly. “You nasty, heartless bastard!” she told me again softly. “You took advantage of me!” “Not yet,” I told her, and pushed her towards the bed.
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