Chapter Three-1

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Chapter Three Checkmate The light from the edge of the curtain woke me. I usually arranged the curtains so the sun wouldn’t angle in when it rose over the hill, but I remembered that it was Christine who’d closed the curtains last night. She wouldn’t know the trick to it. She was fast asleep in my arms, her head against my chest. There were no bedclothes over us; there was no need as it had been a warm night. Last night had been the most incredible rollercoaster of emotions in my whole life. In the end we’d made love three times, with the second time starting as a blowjob, and me finishing inside her. She was still dressed in the same underwear and stockings, although I’d eased her out of the boots at some point before she fell asleep. I knew now that I was hopelessly in love with this woman. She’d said that she’d broken me, and that was exactly right. I would die for her; I’d suffer any pain, and any indignity. I would do anything for my Mistress, my Goddess, and come back begging for more. I could just make out the time on the clock; eight fifteen, not too bad. We’d probably been at it until just after midnight. Suddenly the agony from the dozens of scratches she’d made with the gimlet hit me. Oh s**t, that was painful! How the f**k had I fallen asleep? I must have been physically drained. I was also dying for a pee, but Christine was holding onto me like a limpet. Her face looked so sweet and beautiful and I really didn’t want to disturb her. Then she slid her leg up onto me and her knee pressed right on my bladder. It was no good; I’d have to get to a toilet. I eased myself away from her, and her eyes cracked open. “Where do you think you’re going?” she mumbled. “The bathroom if I may please, Mistress?” I answered, smiling. “Hmmm. Fair enough. Be back here pronto because I’ll be missing you as soon as you’re gone.” I leaned over and kissed her on the forehead. “I’ll be back as soon as my bladder’s empty,” I told her. “Charming,” she grumbled, and turned over. I grabbed a set of jogging bottoms and sweatshirt to cover my scratches, and pretty much ran to the toilet. I got there just in time and stood there emptying myself for ages. On the way back I bumped into a very sleepy looking Christine. She’d pulled on one of my sweatshirts, but it didn’t really cover the stockings – luckily nobody else was around to notice. “You set me off wanting to go now!” she chuckled. “Brush your teeth when you get back in the room, darling, I fancy a snog.” “You’re the boss!” I told her. By the time she was back my mouth was as fresh as a daisy. She stumbled to the sink and brushed her teeth too. She pulled off the sweatshirt, but didn’t bother taking the underwear off, and then she jumped onto the bed on top of me. “God I love you!” she told me, but then paused. “Oh s**t; are you OK, John?” she asked, looking at my scratches. “Christ they look painful.” “It hurts, that’s for sure!” I chuckled. “But I’ll be fine, really.” “Laura’s really going to kill me when she sees you next week,” she said. “Can Mistress kiss it better, sweetie?” “Mistress can do anything she likes to me, and I will absolutely love it,” I told her. Christine kissed her way over my ravaged chest and stomach, and eventually closed her lips around my c**k. “Come in my mouth this time please, John,” she told me. God it was good to get an order like that! After the blowjob I couldn’t quite manage another orgasm inside her. I suspected that even after such a long period of denial I’d need a few hours to recover. But I was able to stay hard and make her happy, and that was what was important to me. “I feel like such a w***e wearing this stuff all night,” she chuckled. “God, it’s so sexy making love to you! Do you realize this is the first quality time we’ve had alone together? Normally I have to make do with Laura’s seconds.” “I swear to you, Christine, the past twelve hours has been the best and most erotic thing that’s ever happened to me. You said you’ve broken me, and I pray that’s true. I want to be your total slave; I want to submit to any kind of mind-f**k thing that you devise. And now I just want to hold you in my arms and kiss you and hug you and…and I can’t think of anything more to say.” She bent down to kiss me, but held her lips a few millimeters from mine. “Then shut the f**k up, my love,” she whispered, and kissed me. We emerged, showered and ready to face what was left of the day just before noon. “I’m starving again,” I said. I’d made Christine some toast at some point, but I’d only got two slices of bread left in the kitchen, and I didn’t dare steal any from the only other loaf there. She insisted on sharing it with me, but I only had a couple of bites in the end. “We should try to eat something healthy and nutritious for lunch,” she told me, grinning. “Try being the operative word?” I suggested. “No really, sweetheart, after Indian food last night let’s try for a nice salad or something,” she insisted. “The Union Café is the best place for salads. They’ll be starting their lunch menu at midday.” “Sounds like a plan!” she agreed. The café was remarkably empty. I thought we might see the Goth Girls there, but there was no sign of them. We chose chicken Caesar salads, with some crusty bread, fresh fruit salad for dessert, and a pot of tea for two. “Actually this tastes pretty good,” Christine said. “When you two had me on my diet, I lived on salads and I found this place to be a godsend,” I told her. “Sometimes I forget what you were like before,” she said. “You weren’t really fat, but you were such a slob; really lazy and out of shape. Drifting through your course without trying; and yet I still fancied you for some reason. Just think how much I like you now that you’ve got your s**t together!” I accepted the compliment in silence, and then posed a question. “You said Laura is keen to set a date for us to be married. How do you feel about that?” I asked. “Really excited!” she said. “She’s asked me to be her Maid of Honor!” I blinked. “W-wait a second, Christine. You’re saying you’re happy that I’m marrying another woman when I’m actually in love with you!” “But you love Laura too, don’t you?” she asked, a puzzled expression on her face. “And she’s much more beautiful than I am. God, I look at her sometimes and I just can’t resist…sort of…doing things with her!” “Yes, I love Laura like…” I struggled for the right simile. “Well, not a sister, obviously. I love her, but not like I love you – you should be the one I marry!” “Me?” she said, smiling. “Gosh, that’s quite a compliment, but I’m not the girl you want to marry.” I paused with a forkful of salad in the air. “Are you doing one of those mind-f***s on me again, Christine?” I asked. “You’re too good at them; I fall for it every time.” “No, John, I’m serious,” she told me. “Think it through; in five years’ time do you really think the three of us will still be together, doing what we’re doing to each other now?” “God, I hope so!” I chuckled. “Our tattoos will look pretty silly if we aren’t!” “Good grief you’re such a man sometimes!” Christine said, shaking her head. “But seriously, I suspect we’d kill you within a year if we keep this up. And remember we chose that place for your tattoo precisely to let you cover it with hair if you decide to.” “So why don’t you and I get married, and we have a family and all that stuff?” I asked. Christine took a forkful of salad and thought about it as she chewed. “Christine Bradshaw?” she paused to consider the change of name. “It’s not a bad name; but I don’t really think I want to get married, John; not even to you,” she told me. “I…well I probably see myself exploring the world by tutoring some spoilt rich kids in exotic places. And having s*x with lots of exotic guys…and girls.” “And a family?” I asked. “Well…maybe. I just don’t know, honestly. Good grief, darling, you’re only twenty years old and you sound like an old man! Can’t you be happy with what we have right now? Just live your life, sweetie; I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.” I munched my salad thoughtfully; maybe Christine was right. But the more I thought of my life without her in it, the less I liked it. After lunch we had a walk into town, and looked around the market. We bought a selection of food to prepare dinner in the dorm kitchen later. I already had a nice bottle of red wine sitting on my shelf. When we got back it was about four o’clock. Christine told me I should do a couple of hours work while she did some reading for her upcoming teacher evaluation. Just before six o’clock I stood up for a stretch. “Tea?” I offered. “God, I thought you’d never ask,” she chuckled from the bed. She was curled up like a cat, reading the textbook, and looking gorgeous. I made two cups of tea and brought them back into the room. “One cup of tea in exchange for one lingering kiss,” I told her. She drew me towards her. “A bargain on so many levels,” she whispered before we enjoyed a very long and rather lovely kiss. When I stood and went to the sink I realized the CB3000 was still soaking in the cleaning solution from this morning. It was a good job we didn’t have cleaners in on Saturdays! “I’m not locked up,” I said, partly to myself. Christine stretched before answering. “We can fix that if you like,” she said. I turned and took the textbook from her hands. “Not yet,” I told her. I looked at the clock. Jesus! Seven thirty; I really should start the dinner. We’d bought the raw materials for a mushroom risotto, and I was getting hungry again. Making love to Christine was so wonderful; I wondered if she’d let me try one more time. At some point she’d lock me back into chastity, and that would be it until I saw Laura next week. Then again, I’d had more than my fair share of s****l pleasure this weekend; and the agonizing scratches from the gimlet were a small price to pay. “Mistress, have you ever tried anal s*x?” I asked. “No!” she said firmly. We were snuggled up like spoons and her voice was muffled by the pillow. “And don’t get any fancy ideas; I’m not keen on the idea.” “OK, I just thought I’d ask,” I said innocently. “You just thought you’d sneak another orgasm in,” she told me. “Don’t bother denying it; I can read you like a book.” I snuggled up against her again, letting my hand drift around to her breast. “Go and cook the dinner,” she told me. “I’m starving again – all this man-s*x is giving me a major appetite. Somehow it’s much less exhausting with another woman.” “Yes, Mistress,” I chuckled. “I want you to keep your strength up.” “Funny!” she grumbled, and gave my bottom a squeeze. I had a quick wash in the sink, got dressed in my jogging bottoms and sweatshirt, grabbed the food we’d bought, and headed for the kitchen. We only had two electric hobs, and I was going through the process in my mind of how to create a risotto. In theory I should only need one pan, which was great news. As I arranged my workspace, Fiona, one of the girls in the same hall, but in a different building, came in to make coffees for her and her current boyfriend, Ian. Ian was a sporty type who lived down the hall from me, hence Fiona’s presence here. “Gosh that looks interesting, John,” she said. “Arborio rice – are we making risotto by any chance?” “We are, Fiona. The kettle’s on for my chicken stock, but there’ll be plenty of water for your coffee.” She leaned back against the worktop and smiled at me. “New girlfriend, John?” she asked. “Your old girlfriend…was it Linda? She was a blonde I remember. Quite a stunner actually. And very noisy in bed judging by last weekend. Did she two-time you? Found some rich bloke with a nice car to shag her? She looked a bit out of your league, but the new one looks pretty enough.” “It’s Laura, not Linda. And well…actually…it’s a bit complicated,” I began. “Oh, darling, it’s always complicated – people are such arseholes.” She prattled on for a minute or so until the kettle boiled; then she made the coffee and moved towards the door.
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