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-Kurezma-     Gosh, I'm so tired. I feel every bone and flesh aches as I move a bit, but at least I learned how to defend myself without my brother's help. And I also learned how to punch him hard whenever he tries to annoy me, just kidding. I see Ashtan is very good at this, no wonder he'll become the head of Trueno armies soon. He'll be leading our forces in defending our tribe.  "Let's get back training" Kuzma called us while we're having our break time, why is he such a bother? "Can we wait for a little more?" I asked I'm still very tired, I don't think I can move my limbs yet "Unfortunately no, but don't worry Kurez, just a couple of hours, then we're dismissed" He answered.... aww I still wanted to sit but, at least dismissal is approaching. We all stood up and went to the field again. Now my legs hurt, knowing every ache is worth it gives me the confidence to train more.     Ashtan is again teaching us some moves that'll sure help us defend ourselves. At first, it was hard for me since I only know how to slap my brother, but thankfully he's patient to teach me how to punch. Seriously, I'm not that kind of person who's easy to be taught nor easy to hurt others physically.      Gladly, after hours of teaching me, I learned some basic moves in the fighting. Now I can say I'm a Heer (used to refer combatants) ahahaha just kidding. But Heers are very good at fighting, they're born for it, they're very amazing. Now I can really feel I'm becoming strong.     What's disgusting is that I've been here for four years, but I haven't learned these things back then when it was taught to me. I'm only learning this when graduation is getting near. Is it the school? or me? ahahahaha nevermind, what's important is at least I'm learning something before I leave this school.      Just imagine learning things at the latter, when you could've learned it at the beginning, well, it's my fault anyway. If only I had this courage before.     Ashtan is really cool when he demonstrates to us how to do what he's teaching, plus he's doing it to my brother. So Kuzma got to receive those attacks. Sadly, he's not adding force to it, so it doesn't hurt. Seriously speaking, why is he so good at this? No doubt he's really is strong. Then why do the Gods chose me, and not him instead? ---Flashback--- "I have to tell you something" initiated our principal as we entered his office. It has a nice ambiance, the usual thunder-like designs are all over the room, you can really tell that you're inside a Trueno's room. I looked everywhere and observed the cleanliness of the room, just wow.      It's kind of spacious enough for an office, maybe this is where they do meetings. Actually, I've been here a lot of times due to the fact that I'm a school problem, I've been sent here for controlling measures. He sat in his chair then motioned me to sit too. And so I did.      I just looked at him waiting to what he's going to tell me, he just had his usual blank expression. I'm actually getting nervous about this, I hope he's not scolding me again. Our principal is also the head of the tribe. So basically the one teaching us is also the strongest among us. He makes it sure that every one of us reaches our fullest as a Trueno.      His assistants are also those important people in our tribe, like the head of our forces, and so on. Our chieftain really has a lot of things to do, that's why we barely see him. He got a lot of things to do about our community, plus he has to do things here in school too. But he's getting old, I wonder who'll fill his position. "Our shamans recently had a word with the Gods" he started, now I got even more confused because first of all, why does it concern me? Second, what do shamans know about me? "They had a vision about you" he pointed at me which made me almost stumble at my seat "Me?" I squeaked, it must have been so clear that they even saw my face in their vision "How come?" I asked again "It is unusual for Gods to talk to shamans about someone specific that normally lives in tribes" he continued his story, I just listened to him as things are just hardly digested by my brain "I also questioned them as to why you, why Kurezma Zhentiini who doesn't even know how to use her powers" that just entered my brain, just yea why do they waste their time talking about me just like the woman out there who wasted her time teaching me, when I learned almost nothing aside from concentrating.      Shamans, by the way, are those Azhakks who developed an ability, or rather gifted to be able to see things from the past and the future, they can also talk to Gods, they can talk to past leaders, and even talk to dead Azhakks. They can also tell our fates as individuals and as a whole. They work with the counselors, as they interpret what the shamans see. Counselors are the same with shamans whom they are gifted ones. Counselors tend to be clever, superstitious, and shrewd. "But they answered, you are no weakling. You are not what we see as you are" he said with a serious tone which made me look intently at him, how come they see things upon myself when I can't even see them on my own? "And just when I saw what you did out there, I realized, they're probably telling the truth. Your powers are obviously isn't as simple as we all know" "What does that mean, what did I do?" I asked curiously. I am not what I am? like this is not me? I don't understand, what am I? who am I? what are they talking about? "The Gods aren't specific and clear about the details but all they kept on repeating was to prepare you for more things to come, that they believe that you hold a power that not everyone can have. You can bring differences and changes here in Ahzakkstadd" he explained with conviction and pride. So does that mean I'm not weak? What does this imply actually? It really is not that clear and specific, just my name that's understandable. "So you better prepare yourself, improve, and become stronger" he convinced me "I made you train with the strongest students in our school so you could be like them too, become strong" oh I see, that's why I'm with my brother, Ashtan, Aisha, and Nazif.      Well, Nazif is quite strong, he can do certain things, not as strong as my brother but he is exceptional. It's just that he's so playful. Aisha, on the other hand, is the strongest female student. She is also exceptional, she ranks fourth among strongest, by the way.  "You can do more than expected, I hope you try" he added, that's more of a request "You can reach the peak of your powers, peak higher than a strong Trueno could ever imagine" oh am I really that strong, that made the Gods believe in me so much? "I see you can also control other elements" he started another topic, he looked at me strangely and I just looked at him dumbfounded, I don't even know I did that "A while ago, you were starting it with just your mind, then let it stop when you stood up" he continued, maybe that's what happened a while ago, then I am really controlling it "I don't know" I just answered "Well then, I would ask you to master thunder first, then as you do that, try doing the other elements if you can, let me know if you did," he said with an excited smile in his face, now his hands hold on to each other "I'm not sure about it, first of all, I'm a Trueno, but I won't fail you upon trying it" I just said     Everything makes sense to me now. That lady who taught me must be one of the shamans or something, she must have done her task to prepare me. And that's why the elements just uproared a while ago is that they were summoned by me. I hope these things are really true. And I hope I can handle this truth. "Look at this," our principal called my attention from deep thinking. He showed me something. He used his staff to show an image, probably a Sioga controlling all the elements one by one. "I know you're a Trueno but as the Gods' will, you can be like that," he said, I just watched the person doing the summoning of the elements. Maybe what they're saying is true, that's what I also did a while ago.  "I'll do everything I can" I just said upon witnessing the image and understanding all things he had told me "Yes, you should, our future lies upon your hand, you should do well" I got excited and happy about what he said, at the same time nervous and pressured. I really hope I can handle this "So starting today Kurezma, you are going to take training seriously. You should train hard with your group" he looked at me intently again as if asking a deal with me "Yes," I shortly answered which made him smile lightly. I took a deep breath and got ready to stand up "I have all my best wishes of luck upon you," He said and went with me outside his office ---End of Flashback---
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