Part thirteen

2585 Words

I think I am in love. The coffee Veronica just drank came spilling right out of her mouth as she choked. " What! " She gasped in a hoarse voice, coughing to clear her throat. Payton sighed at having to repeat the words. It was really difficult saying it the first time. " I think I am in love, " she whispered staring down into her coffee. She waited for her best friend to say something but all she got was silence she looked up to see Veronica gaping at her like she has grown two heads. " Aren't you going to say something, " Payton spoke out harshly. She came here for her friend to help her figure this ridiculousness out not stare at her like a retard. Veronica blinked rapidly at her best friend. In all her imaginations of what could be wrong with her best friend, this was not wh

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