Chapter twenty one

2744 Words

The four women settled on the mat Payton and Veronica had out. Payton sat while Veronica laid down with her head on Payton's lap. Norah and Linda sat side by side. Linda brought out the sun cream she had in her bag and began to apply it to her sun-exposed skin. " Help me with my back, " she requested from Norah giving her the slender long tube while she turned to expose her back to her. She had on a black backless cutout swimsuit that was a snug fit displaying her slim slender frame with light curves. " Use the magic word, " Norah demanded refusing to take the tube from her. She had a smug smile on her face while she waited for Linda to comply. Linda turned to glare at Norah not pleased with her withholding her help just to hear her say some five-letter word. Her glare did nothing

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