Chapter 5

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Drake enters the building and immediately heads to his commander's office. - Sir, I have come to say that I accepted to take that cursed injection. If anything happens, I ask you to inform my father. Only you know who he is. - I have faith in your strength, Drake. Nothing will happen. I don't have your courage. In truth, the commander would rather Drake had refused, as the chances of him dying were high, and even if he survived, the chance of losing his wolf was tremendous. - I'll inform the council. Remember, the king doesn't know what you're going to do. He is the king, but he talks too much, and it can end up being a sacrifice in vain. - Allright Sir. When do I get the injection? - Probably tomorrow. - So sir, excuse me, but I'll be out today. I need to let Duke run. - You never take a day off, Drake. Go. And again, I'm very sorry. Drake exits the building and turns into the forest, which was at the back. He undresses and keeps his clothes between some bushes and lets the bones crack, deforming his body until, in the place where he was, a huge and magnificent black wolf with red eyes appears. Few werewolves outside his pack knew Duke. If more people knew him, they would know how special he was. In over 500 years, he was the first alpha born with the eyes of kings. His size and haughtiness, the glossy black of his fur, and especially the blood-red eyes that only alphas blessed by the Moon Goddess had, made him, if he chose to be, the true king of the werewolves. The king of the werewolves was an i***t. A weak alpha who was the son of the previous king, like his father before him. The royal family had ruled for generations, as the last red-eyed alpha was the one who initiated that family's presence on the throne. One day, who knows, if he survives, he will take his right place. But the only real ambition he had was to put an end to this horrible crime. So he had accepted the injection. Duke accepted, because Drake would never do it alone. Duke looks out into the forest and sniffs the air. He wanted to remember that race, which could be his last. He runs for hours, hunts and eats prey. He splashes in a brook and finally, when night falls, he sadly howls at the moon. Drake didn't intervene in anything Duke had done. He'll play like he's never played before and when he finally gets back to his clothes, Drake cries for his best friend. "Get some sleep. You need to be strong tomorrow. Thank you for today” – Duke said. Drake goes to a hotel, and forces himself to sleep. The next morning, when he arrives at his office, he calls for his assistant. In absolute secrecy, he informs the assistant of what he is going to do, and asks him to pretend he doesn't know anything. - Sir, don't do that. This is crazy. - It's already decided, but I really need your help. You're going to take my place and make sure everything continues to run as before. - Me sir? - It's all taken care of. If I don't come back, at least I'll leave knowing that someone who really wants to put an end to those sons of bitches is in charge of the department. - Sir... - the assistant is moved. Not because of the trust, but because of the risk Drake was taking. - I'll do everything to bring your brother back. The Assistant hugs the boss, and sits in his chair, guided by Drake. - I'll come back. - he says with a wink. - I know you will. There is no one in the world like my boss. It wasn't yet ten in the morning, when Drake and the commander were already driving to the edge of the forest, where the council was meeting. When they arrive, both walk straight, entering through the doors. The guards greet them and when they arrive at the meeting room, they enter and sit in the place assigned to them. The council members were all powerful alphas. Those who were not present met by videoconference from their countries of origin. They were representatives from all corners of the world, but at the table, representatives of the 5 inhabited continents were sitting. What they had in common was being old. All of them had once been the alphas of a pack, and gave up the job making his sons the new alpha. Now they are council representatives. - Captain Drake, Commander Vicktor, welcome. - Thank you President – ​​both responded to the advisor who chaired the session. - It was your idea to try to approach that abominable house as a client, Captain Drake? Are you sure you want to do this? - Yes sir. I really think it will be easier to be invited into that space than to just continue investigating. - You know what our requirement is, right? - Yes, sir. - And accept it? - Yes, sir. - So, before continuing the meeting, let's take care of the injection right away. - I agree. It's not worth talking about if I end up dead. - Drake says, trying in vain to hide his irony. The council members shudder in their seats but don't comment. The President clicks the intercom button and sends the scientists in. A nurse accompanied them. They approach Drake and ask him to get his chest naked. Then they secured his arms behind his back. Drake looks at them suspiciously. - The injection causes spasms. The ropes are for your safety, Drake fixes his eyes on the eyes of the chairman of the board watching him. When Drake was sufficiently managed, one of the scientists takes a small vial from the bag, which contained a black and viscous liquid like petroleum and passes it to the nurse, who has just put on some gloves. She fills a syringe with the desired amount, pulling the plunger back, then pressing it in until the liquid comes out. That was the terrible “Lupi slayer”. "Duke, don't leave me." - Drake asks his wolf. “Never” – Duke replies. - How long does the medicine last? When can I get Duke back? “If you survive and have Duke back” – thinks Drake and is heard by Duke. - If everything goes as desired, the medicine will have 60 days of action, after which your wolf will start to emerge. It is advised to repeat the injection after 58 days, to maintain the same effect. The nurse brings the tip of the needle to Drake's jugular vein, and as soon as he feels the sting, he communicates with Duke one last time. “stay strong” – he says. But the plunger was already pressed and the poison was coursing through his veins, and Duke didn't respond. After the nurse removes the syringe, Drake looks at everyone, not realizing why he was tied up. He wasn't feeling anything at all. He couldn't finish the thought and fell to the ground screaming in pain.
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