Chapter 6

984 Words
Natalia’s POV The snowfall has started, and the weather is getting colder with every second. My cheeks, ears and nose started getting cold. They are becoming red. Although it's not like I am not familiar with this chilly weather, since I am not wearing any warm clothes, it is getting unbearable for me. I was trying to hug myself o keep myself warm when suddenly my head started spinning, and I knew I wouldn’t be able to take it anymore. I was walking here and there to keep myself busy and to keep myself distracted from the snowfall. While I was busy walking here and there, I went a little away from the main door to find shelter unless Magnus allowed me to come back into the house when I heard, “Damn, why the hell is it now working?” Magnus was yelling while standing near to his car, and I ran to him. I was about to speak when he yelled, looking at the maid, “Just take care of her I will be back.” “f**k”, he punched the car with frustration when he was not able to open the door of his car. The door was jammed due to snowfall. He was behaving like someone had put his ass on fire, and he was looking extremely disturbed when I ran close to him and asked, “Magnus, what happened?” He looked at me and murmured, “Xenia,” and I turned to look at the door and asked him again. “Something happened to her.”, He said, and I asked, seeing him running to the gate, “Magnus, where are you going? Roads are blocked.” I stopped him holding his hand, and he looked at me like a helpless child and said, “Natalia, my Xenia.” “Magnus”, I said and palmed his face and continued, “listen to me.” “Magnus”, I made him look into my eyes, and I assured him, “She will be fine. Just come with me.” With that, I held his hand in mine and led him inside the home again. We went straight to the room in which the maid was with Xenia. I took Xenia in my arms, “Xenia, baby.” “Xenia.” I checked her pulse and turned to Magnus, telling him, “She is fine, Magnus.” He looked at me questioningly, and I continued, “She is just sleeping.” “No”, he shook his head and told me, looking at the Xenia in my arms, “she was crying, but she suddenly stopped.” “She must be tired of crying.”, I told and made Xenia lay on the bed and called Magnus, “Come here and see with your eyes.” I made him touch Xenia and asked, “Can you feel it?” “Yes”, he said with teary eyes, “She is good.” I nodded my head, and he hugged me out of the blue, “She is fine, Natalia.” “She is fine.”, he said, and I felt his tears on my shoulders. He was hugging me tightly, and I rubbed his back, saying, “Magnus?” I pulled off the hug and asked him, “Magnus, what happened?” He looked at Xenia and murmured, “Natalia, I am a very bad father, Natalia.” “Magnus”, I said and made him turn to me, “everything will be fine soon.” I made Magnus sit on the bed beside Xenia, and he told me, feeling guilty, “I don’t know how to take care of her.” “You will learn that.” I tried to make him understand that no one is perfect. “I made her cry today.”, He said and held his hand in mine. He looked at Xenia and started saying, “She is a tiny girl, Magnus. She can’t speak her heart out. You have to make her feel that you care for her.” He looked at me, and I moved closer to him and continued, “You know, when the foundation is strong, then the building will be stronger.” “And your daughter is stronger.”, I said, emphasizing each word, and he nodded. I continued, “she is yours and Sophia’s baby.” “You both did well for her safety.”, I said and I felt him sad again, and I saw the guilt of losing Sophia again. I asked him, “Look at me.” “Remember, what did Sophia ask you when she gave you Xenia’s responsibility?” I asked, and he was silent. I replied to my own question, “You have to be the best father for her, and I believe you will be.” “Come on now and lay down.”, I stood saying and made him lay on the bed while covering Xenia and him with the blanket. I turned off the light and turned to leave when I felt Mangnus’ hand holding my wrist, and I looked at him. “Please stay with her.”, He pleaded, and I nodded. I lay on the other side of Xenia and saw Magnus closing his eyes to sleep. “I wish I could tell you how difficult it is for me to see you like this, Magnus. Please try to control yourself. I am not that strong, but I don’t want to show you my weakness because I know at this moment you need a strong person by your side.”, I thought in my mind, and suddenly Magnus’ voice brought me out of my thoughts, “Good Night.” “Good Night.”, I replied and closed my eyes.
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