Chapter 21

1490 Words
Magnus's POV Did you guys ever hear that problems come uninvited, and we should be prepared for it? I have heard this saying since childhood, and I was always prepared to face the situation if they went south, but not for this one. Not for Andrew and the news he was bringing with him. I had a very hectic day today with five back-to-back meetings. I was so stuck that I forgot to go to the washroom to freshen up. With all the meetings and clients, I was free at six in the evening and reached my cabin. It was damn good. I mean this is what we call peace, not that presentation, client discussion, and all. Though I love my work, sometimes I want to keep everything aside and enjoy my life with Xenia and Natalia. Natalia? When did she become part of my family? Well, I don’t know, but I think that was meant to happen, and I also agree that Xenia couldn't get any better mom than her. While thinking about everything, my bladder got heavy, reminding me to break the chain of my thoughts and use the washroom first. So, without wasting any time, I entered the washroom to have some time on my own like we used to have when we were young. I used to spend hours sitting in my washroom and playing games. But they say things change and they change. Good time ends, and it ended, with the yelling of Andrew, “Magnus?” I slapped my forehead and remained quiet, but he was not ready to give up. He again called me, “Magnus, where are you?” “What happened?”, I yelled from the washroom. “Why are you yelling like someone has set your ass on fire?”, I added, and he came closer to the door, which I understood since he was now louder, “When you see it, you will also do the same.” “What do you mean?”, I asked, getting frustrated, thinking again that some client had created some problem. “Come out first.”, He ordered, and I replied, “Coming in five minutes.” “What, no way.”, He instantly said and added, “I want you here in two minutes.” “Oh God. Why are you so impatient?”, I yelled back. Before he opened his mouth again, I told him, “Coming.” Exactly after two minutes, I opened the door and found him stuck to the door with his ears on. “What are you doing, Andrew?”, I said and pushed him side saying, “Step aside.” I sat on my chair in a relaxed manner with my legs stretched to get some relief and asked him, “Now, tell me.” He threw a paper on my table saying, “Here, read this?” I took it lazily and stood up the next moment, asking, “What the hell? How the hell could he do this?” “That fucker doesn’t want to live anymore?”, He said, and I was sure he was equally angry like me. “But he won’t go away with this easily.”, I assured Andrew, and he declared, “We will leave for France today.” I nodded my head, and suddenly I asked, getting worried, “But, Xenia and Natalia?” -------- Natalia’s POV When Magnus and I were dating, Magnus told me about Andrew being unpredictable, but he could be this much was unbelievable. I mean he called me two hours ago saying that we are leaving for France and getting ready with Xenia. Even Magnus also told me to just take the necessary things for Xenia while traveling and other things we can shop in France. With that, I made Xenia ready for the trip, called her nanny not to come to work for a few days, and in no time I was also ready. I went downstairs and found Magnus waiting for us. He took Xenia in his arms and we left. Currently, we are sitting in the private jet that Magnus owns. Since the time we left home, till now, I have been asking the same question, but he didn’t answer. Once the plane was in the air, we relaxed, and I turned to Magnus who was sitting in front of me and I asked,“Magnus, why are we going to France this urgent?” Finally, Magnus was about to open his mouth, but no how could I get my answers easily? Yes, Andrew interrupted us, “Natalia, you should be happy you are getting a chance to visit various countries.” Andrew came and sat beside me and reminded me, “Babe, once Xenia starts going to school, then you won’t get that time.” He turned to Andrew and continued, “Magnus will leave both of you behind and enjoy alone.” I looked at Andrew and at the same moment he looked at Andrew, asking, “How do you know me so well?” I giggled playing with Xenia’s silky hair. “Magnus?”, Andrew was ready for a counter reply, but Magnus warned him, “Keep your mouth shut and stop boring my wife.” As soon as he said that I was like, what did he say? Unknowingly, I was blushing and Andrew touched me with his finger, teasing Magnus, “Ohh, your wife.” I turned my face to avoid the conversation and the next moment what I heard made Andrew shut his mouth. “Do you want me to throw you off of this plane?”, He asked with gritting teeth and Andrew immediately replied, “No.” Andrew stood from his seat and sat back on his previous seat, but can you guys expect him to give up that easily? He turned back and called, “Mrs. Wales.” Magnus yelled “Andrew” and at the same time, we burst into laughter. I didn’t know how this happened, but something is good. Maybe something is repairing our relationship. Maybe we can break the walls that Magnus has built around him. Whatever it was, I was happy. Andrew was happy. Magnus was happy, and our daughter was with us, and that mattered to us. After that, one hour passed and I stretched my leg, which Magnus noticed, and he looked at me asking, “Natalia, let me take Xenia. You go and have some rest.” Looking at Magnus, I knew he was also tired. He worked so hard in the office and didn’t get any rest. So, I replied, “No worries. I will take her with me. She is also sleepy though.” He nodded, and I tried to stand up and Magnus also stood giving me his hand and saying, “Wait, let me help.” He took Xenia in his arms and led me to the private room in his jet. It was a fully occupied room with a bed, refrigerator, and all other necessities. Magnus made Xenia lie down, and I also sat beside her. He was about to walk but before that, I told him, “Thanks, Magnus.” He nodded and looked at me for a second before going out. -------- Andrew’s POV As soon as we landed in France, we found our car waiting for us. I walked to the driver, spoke with him, and took the keys from him. Magnus opened the door for Natalia and helped her settle down with Xenia. Meanwhile, I went to the driving seat. As soon as Magnus was inside the car, I hit the road. While driving, I didn’t look at the speed. My eyes were glued to my watch, which was showing that I had little time. “Andrew, drive slowly.”, I heard Natalia from the back seat, and at the same time, Magnus also told me, “What are you doing? Do you want us to get a ticket for over-speed?” I heard both of them and replied to Magnus, since only he knew where we were going, “Man, we will be late if we slow down a bit.” “You are scaring Xenia.”, He argued and looked into the rearview mirror and found her smiling. I gave Magnus an 'Are you serious look' and said, “Seriously? Look at her, she is smiling. It’s you who is afraid.” Hearing me, Natalia also chuckled, and I made him more pissed by saying, “Behave, Mrs. Wales.” Soon we were at our destination, and we walked to the entrance. I yelled, “Sumo” and suddenly Magnus reminded me, “What, Sumo? At least call him by his correct name.” “Ohh sorry.”, I replied, and we both yelled together, “Suho.”
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