Chapter 8

1345 Words
Natalia’s POV I couldn't shake the feeling that Magnus had ulterior motives, but I hoped he wouldn't do anything to harm our lives. Lost in my thoughts, I heard my daughter crying beside me. I was sitting on the bed, leaning against the bedpost, with Xenia sleeping next to me. She had just woken up and started crying. I took her in my arms and began walking back and forth, soothing her with gentle sounds. Soon, she calmed down, and I laid her back on the bed, staying by her side. I wiped her face and asked, "Xenia, Mommy is going to a party with Daddy. Will you be with your nanny today?" She remained silent, seemingly deep in thought, and then broke into a smile. I kissed her cheeks and said, "Thank you, baby. You're my favorite doll." "Listen now, tomorrow Mommy will take you to meet your friend Xavy," I told her, but she buried her face in the pillow. I tried to turn her towards me and asked, "What's the matter, baby? Don't you want to meet him?" The moment she looked at me, she broke into a wide smile, and I hugged her, saying, "Oh, you do want to meet him. You naughty girl, playing tricks on your mom." I was engrossed in my time with Xenia when I heard a knock at the door. Martha stood there, informing me, "Ma'am, someone from the office has come and is asking for you." "I'm coming," I replied and stood up, leaving Xenia in Martha's care. As I entered the drawing-room, I saw two girls sitting on the couch. I approached them, and they looked at me expectantly. "Hi, I'm Natalia," I introduced myself, and one of the girls replied, "Hello, ma'am. I'm Jenny. I'm a beautician, and Mr. Wales asked us to help you get ready for the party." Finally, I understood why they were here. "Oh, okay. Would you like something to drink?" I asked. The second girl responded, "No, ma'am. If you're ready, can we begin?" "Yeah, sure," I said, leading the way and adding, "This way." ----- Soon, Jenny and I were in my room. Xenia was playing on the bed with Martha while I sat in front of the dressing table, preparing to get ready. Lost in my thoughts, I wondered why Magnus wanted me to accompany him. I feared he had something planned, but I couldn't refuse him. It would only make him angrier, and I didn't want to do anything to upset him. "Ma'am, your hair is so beautiful," one of the girls complimented, bringing me back to the present. I gave her a small smile and replied, "Thank you so much." "No one would guess that you're a mother to a little girl," another girl added, and I looked at Xenia in Martha's lap. Jenny said, "Your daughter is also adorable." "She is my life," I said. Suddenly, my cell phone started ringing. I picked it up, checked the caller ID, and saw Magnus's name on the screen. I answered, saying, "Hello?" He asked about the beauticians, and I confirmed, "Yes, they're here." Suddenly, he requested to speak to them, and I replied, "Okay, just a moment." I handed the phone to Jenny, saying, "Mr. Wales wants to talk to you." She took the phone from me with a smile and said, "Hello, sir?" "Okay, sir. I apologize, sir," she said, and I noticed her expression changing. The color drained from her face. "I will take care of that, sir," she added and then hung up the call. "Here," she handed the phone back to me, and I asked her, "What happened?" Instead of replying, she turned to the other girl and requested, "Shaily, pass me the face pack." "What's happened to her?" I wondered silently. Throughout their work, they didn't exchange a single word. I concluded that Magnus must have scolded her during the call. When they finished with my makeup, I noticed they had chosen a subtle and natural look for me. I had nude lipstick and other essential makeup. My hair was styled in a bun, with two strands framing my face. As I admired my appearance, I noticed Shaily holding the heels, and out of concern, I exclaimed, "Oh, no. How will I walk in these heels?" "Mr. Wales selected them for you," Shaily replied and sat on the chair, ready to assist me with putting them on. Once she finished, I stood up and realized the heels were six inches high. I rarely wore heels, and Magnus knew that. He knew I wasn't comfortable in high heels. I thought to myself, "He knew I can't walk in high heels. He really enjoys making me suffer." "We're done. We'll take our leave, ma'am," Jenny announced, bringing me out of my thoughts. I tried to say something in response, "But..." However, they were already making their way out of my room. "Seems like Magnus instructed them not to speak with me," I concluded, turning to Martha and Xenia. "Xenia, what are you doing?" I asked, and she looked at me as if I had sprouted horns. "Drink this, my doll," I said, offering her a milk bottle, but instead, she held my hand in hers. I kissed her hand and said, "Yes, baby, I'm here." As I was occupied with my little one, Martha remarked, "Ma'am, you look so beautiful." "Thank you, Martha," I replied and continued to gaze at Xenia. "Magnus and I will be back in a few hours. Please take care of her." "Don't worry, ma'am," she assured me. Then my phone started ringing. I picked it up and answered, "Hello?" It was Magnus on the line, and I responded, "I'm coming.” After ending the call, I turned to Martha. "We're leaving. Bye." I kissed Xenia's cheek and departed. ------- Magnus’s POV I arrived home at 7 and found nobody in the living room. I had instructed Natalia to be ready, yet she still wasn't. I already despised her, and her actions only intensified those feelings. Instead of searching for her, I took out my phone and called her. Taking my seat on the couch, I became engrossed in my phone. I heard footsteps, and when I looked up, Natalia was descending the stairs. She held the railing for balance, and I glanced at her feet, realizing she wasn't comfortable in the heels. With all this going on, I didn't truly notice her face until she stood in front of me. I won't lie; she looked stunning, absolutely beautiful. But today she had crossed a line. The gown she wore clung to her curves, with a deep neckline revealing a hint of her breasts. Her petite figure was perfect for the gown I had chosen. "Magnus," Natalia said, and I realized I had been staring at her for too long. Raising an eyebrow, I indicated for her to continue, "I am--" but I understood what she was trying to say, so I cut her off, saying, "You look good. I'm sure you'll manage." She looked at me, wide-eyed. She must have been thinking, "How did he know what I wanted to say?" I extended my hand to her and asked, "Let's go." She stared at my hand for a few seconds before finally placing her hand in mine. With that, we turned to leave. "Where are we going?" she inquired, and I replied, "Andrew's dad has opened a new hospital. They've arranged a party for it." As we walked toward the car, she asked again, "Who is Andrew?" "My best friend," I informed her. She stopped in her tracks, and when I noticed she wasn't moving, I turned to face her. She opened her mouth again, saying, "But you don't want anyone to know that I'm married to you." "I never said I would tell him," I responded, opening the car door for her. Once she settled in, I moved to the other side. I informed the driver of the venue, and soon we were on the road.
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