Chapter 10

1141 Words
Third Person’s POV Magnus noticed Natalia's distant gaze as if lost in a corner of her mind. Gently, he pulled her back from that mental space, asking, "What happened?" Natalia turned to him, her reply hesitant, "Nothing." Her eyes returned to that corner, but it was empty now. She settled back into her chair, and Magnus took the seat beside her. "I know you're hiding something," he commented, observing Natalia's visible distress. Beads of sweat had formed on her brow. He leaned in closer, carefully tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear, and whispered, "You know that Theodore will be here." Natalia took a deep breath, her anxiety palpable. He continued, "But this time, he won't escape." She looked at him, her expression a mixture of confusion and fear, unable to mask the emotions brewing within her. Lost in their internal struggles, the sudden sensation of liquid on her lap startled Natalia. She looked down to find wine spilled on her dress, and a waiter standing beside her. "Oh, are you okay?" she asked with concern. "Yes, I'm sorry ma'am," the waiter apologized, offering her a napkin. Natalia accepted it, reassuring him, "No problem." The waiter soon disappeared, leaving her to clean her dress with the napkin. As she wiped, something caught her eye – a note on the napkin. Glancing at Magnus, who was preoccupied with his phone, she discreetly unfolded the napkin to read its contents. "I am waiting for you on the top floor. T.R." "Theo is here," she murmured, the pieces falling into place. Natalia understood why Magnus had wanted her at this party, to be seen by everyone, especially by Theodore. He was trying to orchestrate a meeting, making her the center of attention, hoping Theodore would notice her and approach. Drawing her conclusions, she stood up, but before she could leave, Magnus gently grasped her hand, questioning, "Where are you going?" "I need to use the restroom," she fibbed. Magnus held her gaze for a moment, reading something in her eyes, before nodding. "Alright, go upstairs and take a left," he instructed. "Thanks," Natalia replied, leaving her seat. Watching Natalia ascend the stairs, Magnus picked up his phone and dialed a number, asking, "Are you ready?" "Yes, boss," came the response from the other end. Satisfied, he disconnected the call. ------ As soon as Natalia entered the washroom, she confronted her own pale reflection in the mirror, her mind racing with thoughts of the cryptic note. For the past seven months, Theodore had kept his distance, not reaching out to her. But now that he was here, Natalia was torn, unsure of how to navigate this complicated situation. She loved her brother, but she couldn't betray her husband, Magnus, either. She knew that Magnus believed Theodore was responsible for Sophia's death. If she were to meet with Theo, it could escalate an already tense situation. The weight of this decision pressed heavily on her mind, and she found herself caught in a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. Seeking a brief respite, Natalia chose a cubicle to collect her thoughts. After finishing her business, she stood up but suddenly felt the world spin around her. She immediately sat back down, gripping her head with both hands. "Why is my head spinning like this?" she whispered to herself, her legs trembling, an unfamiliar sensation she had never experienced before. Summoning every ounce of determination, she steadied herself by holding onto the door. Slowly, with great effort, she managed to step outside the cubicle. "Oh, God," she gasped, clutching her hand to her chest. She muttered, "Magnus." "I should inform him," she thought, reaching for her phone. However, before she could do so, the restroom door burst open, and Natalia's attention was drawn to the figure that entered. She looked at the door, apprehension coloring her voice as she asked, "Who are you?" ----- Theodore sat in his spot, his gaze locked on the wallpaper of his phone. In the picture, he cradled Sophia in his arms, her eyes locked onto his. It was a snapshot of happiness in a turbulent world. Theodore's impatience grew as he waited for the call from the man tasked with keeping a watchful eye on Natalia. The silence was unnerving, leaving Theodore restless, pacing the floor as time seemed to stretch on without any updates. Frustration gnawed at him, and he couldn't tolerate the lack of information any longer. He dialed the man's number, desperation creeping into his voice, "Where is she?" "Have you found anything?" he inquired further, trying to glean any useful detail from the man's end. However, the reply was far from reassuring, "No, boss. She's still in the washroom." "No movements yet," he muttered, his concern intensifying. Then, out of nowhere, a note of panic filled the man's voice, and he exclaimed, "Oh no." "What happened?" Magnus, hearing the tension in the man's voice, swiftly stood from his chair, his instincts on high alert. The man's response was swift and worrisome, "The power just went out in that part of the hotel." "He's here. Get over there," Magnus commanded urgently, the pieces falling into place in his mind. Without wasting a second, he sprinted toward the direction Natalia had gone, his heart racing with a mix of worry and determination. It was clear that something was unfolding, and he couldn't afford to be a moment too late. ----- Magnus rushed in the direction Natalia had gone, arriving in no time. He activated the flashlight on his cell phone, illuminating the darkness around him. Andrew, sensing the urgency, followed closely. In the midst of the shadows, Magnus called out loudly, "Theodore?" "Natalia?" he yelled again, his voice echoing in the corridor. Opening one door and then the next, he continued, "Theodore?" As he navigated the darkness, a fleeting figure darted in the opposite direction. Magnus quickened his pace, grabbing the woman's hand firmly. "Natalia, where the hell are you going?" he demanded, his grip tight. "Natalia?" he questioned, shining the flashlight on her face, and inquired, "Who are you?" "How dare you touch me? Leave my hand!" the woman shouted, her anger palpable. Magnus immediately released her hand, and she quickly departed. Frustration overwhelmed him, and he unleashed his fury on the wall, cursing vehemently, "Fuck." "Natalia," he murmured, staring blankly at the wall, "I knew it. I knew you'd betray me, just like your brother, Natalia. You're a damn hypocrite." His anger simmered as his associate approached, and Magnus turned to face him, demanding, "Natalia?" "She's nowhere to be found," the man informed, and Andrew, perplexed, asked from behind, "What?" Magnus turned to Andrew, meeting his gaze, and stated, "She did exactly what I expected." "Means?" Andrew inquired, confusion evident on his face, as he looked back and forth between the two men in front of him.
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