The whole room was silent and still, staring in horror at the couch. The doctor had dropped heavily into a seat and bowed his head in defeat. Jericho was on his knees, still clutching the baby in one arm, and Eudora’s limp, cold hand in the other. Jasmin had clapped a hand over her mouth in disbelief. Into the silence the door burst open again, and Dominic Brown flew in, gun drawn, eyes wild. His eyes roamed the room, cataloging the dead girl on the couch, his wife’s pale, stricken face, the doctor that was tiredly rubbing his face. Jericho stood slowly, stretching to his full height. Dominic brown was a tall man, but Jericho Carrol was taller. Without ever taking his eyes off from Dominic, Jericho passed the towel wrapped bundle to Penny. His eyes were red with grief, and bu