Chapter 5: A Lord’s Responsibility

1403 Words
The faint light of dawn wasn’t enough to light up the darkroom. The morning breeze was moving those heavy curtains lazily, entering the room. The enormous wooden bed was placed in the middle, and a muscular frame was resting on it. The relaxed gesture of his eyebrows and lips were enough to tell he was sleeping peacefully. His naked torso was covered under a soft quilt. The silence of the room was broken by the gentle knock, along with a soft voice, “My lord! Are you awake?” Jaden was standing outside the room, unsure if he should knock again. After all, the lord of Skeleton Warriors Clan had returned home after a long disappearance when they all gave up on him. But master Falcon was waiting for him, and it was urgent. Besides, it was almost five in the morning. Jaden could clearly remember how punctual Lord Duncan used to be. He had always maintained discipline, which was how he turned to be the best warrior of the clan at such a young age. Gathering the courage, he knocked on the door again, a little harsher this time, causing the door to move a little. To his wonder, it wasn’t locked. Jaden took a deep breath and then pushed the door a little more to open it, enough to see if the lord was awake. From the slight c***k, soon he realised the frame of the sword master, lying on bed peacefully. Then his eyes fell on the open window. The humming of birds was filling the silence bit by bit. That light of dawn was turning brighter. Soon the sun would rise. Jaden stepped inside the room with Hesitation. A part of him was unsure if the lord was unwell as the person Jaden knew would be wide awake with the slightest noise of door opening. On the contrary, he was still sleeping peacefully. “My lord,” standing by the bed, he whispered. “Please wake up. It is past dawn, my lord.” Duncan groaned in response, wrapping the quilt around his head, ignoring the pleading of the warrior. “Lord Duncan!” Jaden raised his voice a little this time. “My lord! Please wake up.” He spoke loudly this time, breaking the morning silence. With his words, Duncan finally woke up. His mind was in a daze. The first thing he was greeted with was the unfamiliar atmosphere. Rubbing his eyes, he sat on the bed quickly, trying to figure out where he was. His racing heart was enough to tell he was scared. “Wha… what’s going on?” Duncan blurted, panicked clearly. “My lord, it is me. Jaden.” He replied worryingly. “Jaden?” A gasp left Duncan’s mouth. For a moment, he was in a daze, trying to remember where he was. The memories of yesterday came back, flooding his mind. He was in some world with creepy werewolves and sexy women. God, his body was even transformed into something muscular. And this Jaden was one of his warriors. “What time is it?” Duncan asked, trying to sound calm. He thought he would be waking up on his bed the next day, but nothing like that happened. He was still stuck in this unknown world. “It is five, my lord.” Jaden bowed his head as he replied. ‘Is he kidding me? Waking up at five in the morning? Is it a joke or what?’ Duncan thought in his head. “Why did you wake me up?” He asked calmly. “Master Falcon is waiting for you, my lord. In the training area.” Jaden replied. “This early?” Duncan was annoyed. “He is waiting for you since dawn, my lord,” Jaden responded. That old man! How came he was awake since dawn? Was it going to be his new life? No way! “All right.” With a sigh, he stood up from the bed. Jaden handed him over a pair of clothes. They were way too comfortable. Rubbing his face once, he followed Jaden. The morning sun was still hidden behind those clouds. The golden sky and the fresh air were something new to Duncan. His life in the city was different than this. The morning nature freshened his mood. Inhaling the pure air, he moved towards the training hall. The manor looked different in the daylight. It was huge and divided into several quarters. A vast garden was separating them here and there. Jaden led him through the gardens to an open arena. Duncan’s eyes quickly fell on the man sitting in the middle of the circle of the arena. The white beard was shining with the first ray of sun on them. A peaceful mask was wrapped around his face. None other than Master Falcon. Duncan was amazed by the calmness of his gesture, though his aura was strong and intimidating. Master Falcon opened his eyes, and Duncan’s hands formed a gesture of respect as he saw millions of times in that game show. A smile appeared on his lips. “Good morning, Duncan,” he greeted. “Good morning, Master Falcon.” Duncan bowed. “Please, have a seat, my lord.” Master Falcon added, and Duncan sat opposite him on the floor. “Things has changed since you left, Duncan. I am certain you lack at many.” He sighed. “Our lands used to be powerful and glorious, but those days are gone. And all started after the death of the emperor. The harmony among the clans is broken, and we became enemies.” Master Falcon paused for a moment. “Our people are dying, Duncan. Poverty has touched our lands. Demons and werewolves are everywhere around the woods, forbidding the commoners to collect fuels and fruits. Above all, the dam on the holy river has blocked our water supply. We are relying on the rain only. If we want to survive, we have to put an end to this. We have to build up our clan again from the ashes.” He completed his words with much hope. The Lord was here, and he would definitely help their clan. Duncan was still sleepy. Rubbing his eyes, he tried hard to focus on what the old master was talking. It was no different from those morning classes he attended where the strong expresso was his only friend. There was no way he could concentrate without that hot caffeine in his blood. “Do you understand what I am saying?” Master falcon questioned, seeing his unruly behaviour. That was unlike him. “Uh… yes, of course.” Duncan smiled nervously. “Well, then, your duty starts from cleaning up the moles. White warrior Clan is our neighbour, and we must solve the dam issue. So, we will start with them. We will start with the fall of White Shadow.” Master Falcon added with a smile. Wait! White Shadow? Fall of White Shadow?’ Duncan’s eyes widened, and his sleep disappeared from his eyes. What did Master Falcon want? An uneasiness built up in his heart. The realisation hit him soon. He was still here in this medieval world, living as a part of The Skeleton Warrior Clan. No, he was their leader! And now it was time to take action against… white warriors? “I don’t understand.” He muttered. “We need to kill him to weaken the clan.” Master Falcon clarified. Duncan’s heart was racing. Killing White Shadow? The white warrior clan was the kindest and strongest. And White shadow was the heart of the clan. “White Shadow? Isn’t he the strongest warrior of the clan? He can strike like lightning.” His stumbled. Master Falcon’s eyes changed in a blink. “And that is another reason we should stop him.” He repeated. His heart sank immediately, realising he was a part of Skeleton warriors now. The people who never abide by rules or respected anyone. “Being the lord, it is your duty to take care of your people, Duncan. The war has begun, and we cannot do anything about it. You must take your responsibilities.” He added, leaving Duncan speechless.
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