The Dust of Shattered Worlds-1

2083 Words

3. The Dust of Shattered WorldsThe grip of a hand on her wrist returned Selene to consciousness. Her suit calmly reported that its oxygen reserves were too low to be measured. The monitoring flecks in her brain stated the same situation with her bloodstream. She was on the point of death from asphyxia. This time, the desperate stab of panic that cut through her as her tissues screamed for air was muted. Her body was giving up. She'd lost consciousness for four minutes after her efforts of reaching the skull. The ground beneath her back was the familiar bed of dust, moulded to the contours of her body, embracing her as if already claiming her. She still had the nightmares about Maes Far: of wading through the thick layer of grit, ash and bone in search of something that she couldn't find,

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