Chapter Two - I will find out all her secrets

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Ezra’s P.O.V I stood in the middle of the dancefloor, not knowing what the f**k just happened. Who was this woman? And why is she immune to me? I watched her walk away and realise I never even got her f*****g name? A woman has not got to me like that in a long time. She made me come to her, something I do not do. I make them come to me. I decided she was not getting away from me that easily. I pushed my way through the crowd, trying to catch up with her, but she was entirely out of sight. I looked around for her at the table I saw her and her friends at, they had disappeared entirely. f**k! Now she is going to be that one woman who I never got to screw, that I really wanted to more than anyone. She was something of a Goddess with her long blonde hair, a gorgeous body and a smile that could kill. I have never met anyone like her; she was way up there when it came to sexy. I headed back to my friends, and I was pissed off. “What the hell was that?” My friend Ross asked. “I don’t know, never even got her damn name,” I said annoyed with myself. “Why is this woman bothering you?” He asked. “How do you think? I never won, and I do not do well when I don’t win.” I said. “Well, you can’t do much about it now.” He shrugged. “I guess, one thing for it…I need to get laid.” I said, looking around for someone who I could use to get my frustration out. I went with the brunette who had been eyeing me earlier. She would do, She would do for the night. I excused myself from my friends going towards her. I flashed my best smile at her, offered to buy her drink. Then after that, it would be back to hers or the bathroom whatever is easier. It wouldn’t take me long anyway to seduce her; it never does except blondie. “What is a sexy woman like you doing here without a date?” I asked, running my fingertips slowly down her arm, smiling at her. “Girls Night…” She giggled. God, this was too easy. I honestly thought by now women would have the sense to tell me to f**k off they all know who I am and what I am like. “I can think of something more fun than a girl’s night,” I said, moving in closer to her. “And what would that be?” She smirked. I reached into her ear, my hand on her hip. “We could get out of here and have some fun of our own.” I hissed in her ear. And just like that, she was putty in my hand, agreeing to come with me. Some of these women were too easy. I smirked, grabbing her hand and she waved to her friends before I led us out, suggestion her place. I don’t tend to take them back to my home because if I go to theirs, then I can just walk out. **** “You sure you don’t wanna stay?” She asked as I sat on the edge of her bed, getting my clothes back on. “I don’t do sleepovers; it was only s*x…I don’t do cuddles.” I said finishing off getting dressed, grabbing my things and walking out before she had the chance to say anything or whine at me, I can’t be f****d with that. I grabbed my phone to call a cab to take me home. When I did, I had a message request on my i********:. I had my page private, need to accept the messages that come through, and keeps the psychos at bay. I never recognised the name, Kyla Adams? I clicked on the page, hoping it wasn’t private, luckily it was not. I was soon smiling when I realised who it was. The blonde from the club, she had sent me a message. I thought she didn’t chase. I smirked, accepting the request. Kyla Adams: You never looked very good. I was standing right behind you when you were desperately looking for me, and it was very stalkerish. She was close by when I was looking for her. Why didn’t I see her? Damnit! Ezra Jones: Stalkerish? You are one to talk, you have been insta stalking me??? Kyla Adams: I was bored, don’t overthink into it. Ezra Jones: If that is the excuse you are using. Just admit you want me. Kyla Adams: Why would I do that? I think you are the one that wants me. Ezra Jones: I never said I never wanted you, I think my hard-on against your ass told you that? The difference between you and me? At least I am admitting that I want you. Kyla Adams: Nice meeting you, have a sweet life, hope you enjoyed the brunette, bet you were thinking about me the whole time? Ezra Jones: I was, you never let me f**k you, so had to f**k someone else! I waited for her to reply, but she never did. I guess she was done for the night. I laughed, finally calling my cab, well once I worked out where I was. I was feeling better now because I knew exactly who she was. She wanted me to know why else would she reach out to me. For someone who doesn’t chase, she is sure trying to talk to me. The cab never took long to come, which I was thankful for, was ready for home; it has been a confusing night. I got back to my place, stripping down and climbing into bed, checking my phone before I got settled down and there was a reply from her. Kyla Adams: Well, aren’t you just a male w***e but trust me she was no me. If it were you and I,  we would still be f*****g ;) but you had your chance and blew it with your vast ego, your loss. I chuckled as I read the message. Male w***e? That I am and a proud one at that. Ezra Jones: Trust me if it was you that I went home with we would still be f*****g when the sunrise came. Again, she never got back to me after that, and I got settled down, leaving it at that. I would leave it on her court. I had work in the morning, anyway, needed to sleep and be on my best form. I work with a bunch of idiots that need constant approval and pushing to do their damn job! I think tomorrow I may need to do a little more research on Miss Kyla Adams. I am intrigued about the sort of life she lives; something tells me it isn’t a boring one. Don’t think anything is boring about that woman. I will find out her secrets tomorrow. It is incredible the things you can find on Social Media these days; you don’t want people knowing? Don’t put them out there for everyone to see. I will be seeing her again; that is something I will make clear to her.  
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