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Chapter 8 Pulling up to the castle, I notice a silver Lexus RC 350 park in the driveway. That’s odd I don’t know any family members that drive one. Pondering I pull my McLaren into a spot just outside the door and get out of my car, walking up the steps I was greeted at the door by my brother Drake. He stands at the door in a dove grey suit with a lavender shirt unbutton at the neck he always wears softer colors. Too busy looking at his attire I did not even notice he has a silly smirk on his face. “Mate, who did you piss off to be placed with such hard lines.” I cringe remembering I still have some comeuppance waiting for me in the form of mother. “Is she outside?” I whisper. Chuckling my brother walks off towards the veranda where we have our weekend family brunches. Goddess save me. Sighing I follow him through the open bay doors silently praying for a quick punishment when I am utterly gobsmacked by what I see. Standing under an archway of my mother’s prize prim roses is none other than Ayana dressed in a dress that hugs her luscious curves. Bloody Hell! The dress she has on should be outlawed I feel myself hardening in my trousers. The dress she is wearing is lilac in color with a modest plunge in the front that shows off a little of her beautiful globes of her breast, the dress is a little long and hits her mid-calf almost showing a little of her legs. That didn’t matter because she has on a pair of heels that make her short legs look long and… BLOODY HELL! My mouth becomes dry as she turns revealing her back, the dress has a deep plunge that stops at the to the top of her plush ass almost to the point you can see a peek of her cheeks when she moves. I stare at her as my wolf pants happily his tongue falling from his mouth open as both of us drool at her appearance. She looks ravishing! Apparently, I’m standing there too long with my mouth open when Janessa walks by to close it. “Why what’s wrong Jaxson? You seem lost.” Turning to look at Janessa I swallow but I still cannot form words that dress nicked them all from me. Janessa throws me a smirk walking off to join Adrian who is drinking a Brandy with Drake under the azalea tree. Try as I might I cannot stop staring at her as I pull myself together to go and talk to Ayana. Gods, I hope she is not offended by my hasty retreat earlier. I need to make sure I apologize properly and quickly if I want to figure out why my blasted wolf is prancing around like a peacock in my head. Easing my way to her a strong bourbon and sage smell hits my nose and instantly my eyes lock onto my cousin Draven waltzing across the grass towards Ayana. “I must be basking in the presence of the Moon Goddess, Nox.” Draven says to Ayana taking her hand in his. Enraged at him touching her my wolf snarls out a warning making all eyes turn to me. Clearing my throat, I narrow my eyes at Draven my lip upturned in disdain. Coolly watching me, Ayana slowly pulls her hands from Draven her eyes searching mine, those beautiful silver eyes. Entranced I step towards her only to be thwarted by an arm looping through mine my skin crawling with goosebumps. “Jaxy, I had to run home really quick for a change.” Brianna gushes pressing her bosom into my arm. Bristling, I shift away from her my wolf incensed that she stops us from our pursuit. Do not jerk from her Jaxson. Appearances need to be kept in the eyes of others. Calming my wolf, I extract my arm and hold out my hand for her to take. Regardless of what I wish to happen now I am under that blooming contract. Oh, for Gods sakes! Groaning I finally look down at Brianna and see that she has changed into a burgundy dress that matches my suit. “Should have worn purple.” My wolf grumbles again. Why didn’t I listen? Smirking Brianna takes my hand and we descend to the veranda where everyone stands. “Ugh who invited this vermin?” Brianna sneers at Ayana in distaste. “Jaxy dear it seems we have to up security at the castle for letting in….” “Bria darling, I hope you are being pleasant to our guest.” Brianna’s face goes pale and chill bumps form on her arms. Plastering a fake grin to her face Brianna turns to face my mother. “Yes Mum, I was just giving her a…warm welcome.” My mother smiles sweetly towards Brianna then states, “Very good, I would not want to have to ring Lady Pritchard, would I?” All of us shiver at the mention of that dragoness. She’s not a real dragon but Lady Pritchard was known around for her strictness in etiquette and she was the founder of Manners of Prime which is a finishing school for young royals. Lady Pritchard started the school 300 years ago and it is very sought-after school for many super naturals. Countless parents commend her for her commitment to the upbringing of so many in society. However, to the ones who went through her school she was known as the Dragoness as her remarks would burn your self-esteem to the ground if you stepped out of line. Glancing over I see Ayana’s face and she has a look of dread on her face like us. Interesting, I did not know she attended finishing school. Did she go when I went? I don’t remember if she did. “No Mum, I was just ma..making sure…our guest felt right at home.” Brianna stumbles to regain her ground cheesed off that she was caught trying to bully Ayana. Casting her a side eye my mother walks past us towards Ayana giving her a warm hug. “Ah my darling, it’s so fortunate that you accepted my invitation. I pray tell that everyone was courteous?” Ayana glances at a pale faced Brianna her eyes trained on her coolly before taking my mother’s hands. “Everyone was very courteous, your majesty.” She says smiling at my mother warmly. “Call me, Sebella dear as I hope that we both will become quite close during your stay in our territory.” My mother assures her warmly “Close?” Brianna asks. “Why would you need to be close with her mum?” Sighing my mother casts cold eyes but a sweet grin towards Brianna. “Well of course we will be close. She is going to be our new designer for the spring collection.” Ayana’s and Brianna’s jaw drops as they stare at my mother, Ayana eyes shifting to me in question. “I… I got the position?” Ayana stammers her voice tinging with happiness. Smiling humorously at Ayana my mother raises and eyebrow at her. “Well of course dear didn’t my son tell you when he dropped by this morning?” She asks her gaze shifting to me. Brianna’s eyes harden as they move back and forth between us her nose flaring with each breath she took. “No. He didn’t.” Ayana says staring me in eye. All eyes are back on me as I untighten my collar from my neck buying time before responding. “I was going to, but...” “But he did not get the chance because I kicked him out.” Ayana says cutting off my reply. Astonished everyone’s eyes widen as they stare at Ayana then back towards me. “Kicked him out? Why did you have to kick my son out Ms. Devereaux?” My mother asks narrowing her eyes at me. “Did he not come over and apologize?” She says her voice subtle with disappointment. “He did but unfortunately it felt insincere to me.” Ayana says staring at me indifferently. What in the blazes is going on?! Who was this woman before me because this wasn’t the same one from this morning? Instantly, my hackles raise as a feeling of cold death descends upon me. Goddess if you were to save me from this death, I’ll change I swear on my honor! “Jackie darling, may I have a word.” My mother says touching my arm making me turn slowly towards her. Knowing that my time has come I swallow nodding my head in acknowledgement. “Yes mum.” Dropping her hand from my arm my mother holds her arm out signaling me to follow her inside. “I feel sorry for the poor prat. Glad, I don’t have to deal with that.” My mother stops in her tracks and a burst of alpha power smacks my cousin to the ground. He whimpers as he tries to rise but she has a pretty good hold on him. Once she feels Draven has learned his lesson, she pulls back her power continuing her ascent indoors. Sighing deeply, I turn around to follow her shaking my head at the arse on the ground. You must be bonkers to speak back to the queen behind her back he’s lucky if she doesn’t tell dad and uncle about it because Hades knows those two will tear into him. Squaring my shoulders, I follow my mum into the downstairs study and shut the door. “Sit.” Obediently I seat myself by the fireplace as she sits in the chair towards the window and wait for her to speak. “I failed you.” She says looking out the window. “What?!” I’m stunned and don’t know what else to say. Sighing she rises from her chair walking over to stand in front of the family portrait of us done when I had just turned 60. It was a great portrait of us and showed our bond as a family as pride shines from my father’s eyes and love from my mother’s. “You did not fail me, Mum.” I say to her placing my hands on her shoulders. “How so? It seems that every day you pull further away from us and now you cannot even give others the proper respect. Are you sure you are ready to take on the responsibility of leading us all?” Dropping my hand from her shoulders I run my fingers through my hair. “Of course, I’m ready mum! It’s just...” “Just what?” I swallow and try not to go off my trolley and think out my next response smartly. Opening my mouth to respond I can’t get the words together as something calls for my gaze shifts to the veranda. Once I do my mind freezes when I see Draven’s hand touching Ayana’s back above the swell of her arse, and I lose it. My vision turns red as I forget where I am as I storm from the room.
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