A State of Emergency

2260 Words

Jaxson Chapter 13 A meeting is in session between all packs as our very existence becomes threatened by unseen events. No one knows what is going on, except that over the last month, a total of 100 women have gone missing from each territory. A hundred too many have been taken from us, and not one bloody clues has been found as to why? The woman that got away is still under surveillance by Healer Rickson and the council, but she has yet to come out of a deep slumber. Turning to my right, I can hear Adrian growling in frustration. This situation has made him beyond tense as his wolf stalks close to the surface. I understand how he feels, my wolf has been riding my senses so hard that I have to take calming breaths just to ensure my claws don’t come out. My control is more precise than thi

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