Locked away

2277 Words

Ayana Chapter 15 I awaken in a room with the only light that shines in is from the moon. “Awhhh.” I groan out. My head is killing me, and my mouth is terribly dry. Now I see how Janessa felt earlier. What’s going on? Everything is blurred together. I move my hand to rub my head when a loud clink sounds from my right. Snapping my head up I look over at my right wrist encased in a silver chain. Stunned I try to move my left one to examine it when it was met with the same resistance. Great, those fuckers chained me to damn wall! Goddess, please let me look down and see that I am still clothed. Glancing downward I try and focus my eyes on my body and let out a heavy scream. THOSE FUCKERS TOOK OFF MY CLOTHES!! How dare they!? Disgusted my body fills all over with goosebumps imaging their hand

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