
2088 Words

Chapter 11 Isn’t this just lovely? I mean, how are the fates so unfair with my life that they destined me to be kidnapped! I mean, technically, I am an adult, so adultnapped? Womannapped? Dormantnapped? I snort, really Ayana. Dormantnapped? You really need to stop using humor during drastic times to calm yourself before you go crazy. They should really fire their decorator, though. Cold and dark was so last season, didn’t they know? Goddess, there I go! “Unn,” a groan sounds to the left of me. “Where am I, and why does it smell like moldy cheese?” “Nessa?!” I ask the darkness. “Yana? Is that you?! Where are you?!” She calls out to me from somewhere on my left. “I don’t know… wait, you can’t see?! I thought wolves can see in the dark?” I can feel her rolling her eyes at me. “Usually we can

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