
1018 Words
Getting all my credits for school and keeping on top of training all while dodging the twins and their girlfriend was difficult, but not impossible. I smiled at myself in the mirror. Today was my 18th birthday, and I was excited. Hopefully I would meet my mate at school, but only time would tell for sure. My outfit for school was a strappy sundress with different shades of green leaves all over it, matched by a pair of heels that tied below my knee, also in a leafy green color. I took the braids out of my hair and let the wavy curls fall down my back. By now my hair reached past my waist, and I usually ended up sitting on it. My makeup consisted of a cut crease with different shades of green and a cat eye, with my regular mascara. My lashes were long enough that I didn’t need fake ones. I swiped some peachy lipgloss on my lips and stared at myself in the mirror. I’m finally a woman, and I was excited. Today was my day and nothing was going to ruin it. Absolutely nothing. Dash purred in my head, appreciating my assets grown to catch our mate. I smiled at my best friend as we got in her car and headed to Starbucks as an early birthday present. As we ordered, I felt a pair of eyes on me and looked around. The only car behind us was a black Hummer. I shook off the feeling and happily accepted my coffee, sipping down the caffeinated goodness as I walked into first period. Sliding into my seat, I immediately noticed Wyatt was the only twin there, with his arm around Monica of course. She glared at me as I took the loudest sips from my coffee. Staring her directly in the eye, I let out the biggest aaahhhhhhh and burped right in her face. She gasped and looked like she was going to throw up, so I flipped her off. Thankfully Mr. Flint wasn’t in class yet. Wyatt stared at me in shock, and suddenly an alluring scent hit my nose. I sniffed the air, smelling the musky forest. My eyes met with Wyatt’s and he tensed up, dropping his arms from around Monica. He growled. “f**k you.” It was the angriest, softest growl I had ever heard. Rolling my eyes, I threw my binder and pencil in my backpack and stormed out just as the bell rang. Mr. Flint looked at me funny as I brushed past him. “Miss Winters, I sure hope you have a reason for leaving my classroom when the bell has rung.” He stated, staring at me. I smiled apologetically. “Sorry Mr. Flint, I really don’t feel good and was going to head to the nurses office.” Not a total lie, I was just going home. I honestly didn’t feel good anymore. He nodded and pulled out his pass book, writing me a note to the nurses office. I smiled at him. “Thank you, Mr. Flint. If I go home, I’ll send Sherri by to get my homework for me.” He nodded and shut the door as he entered the classroom. What are you doing? Go back and claim our mate! Dash growled in my head. No, are you f*****g crazy? After all the s**t we’ve been put through? No. Absolutely not. My reply was short and angry. She growled at me before retreating to the back of my mind, putting up a wall so I couldn’t contact her. Good. I didn’t want to hear about this mate thing until I had it figured out. I started my way down the hallway again, texting Sherri to let her know what was happening when a strong pair of arms grabbed me and pushed me into a dark room. I punched my attackers arms but they didn’t let up, not even after the door was shut, and the light flipped on. Suddenly, I was face to face with Wyatt Lake. The first thing I noticed was the tingling sensation that was flowing up and down my arms where his hands were touching my bare skin. The next thing I noticed was how close his face was to mine, our lips just barely apart. His scent was so strong it was flooding my senses, and I was torn between throwing myself at him and running away. “Where are you going?” He snarled softly, his amber eyes on fire. Was he mad at me? Of course he was, he’s been my bully since we were in middle school. He didn’t want me and Xander definitely wouldn’t, either. I looked him dead in the eye and opened my mouth to speak. “I, Lilith Lewellyn Winters, reject you, future Alpha-“ was all I could say before he crushed his lips to mine. They were so soft, and felt better than anything I could have ever imagined. I parted my lips, and his tongue swept inside, fighting mine for dominance. As I wrapped my arms around his neck, he picked me up by by my the back of my thighs, wrapping my legs around him and pushing me against the well. “Please, Lilith, let me make it up to you.” He said, pulling back and gasping. I took deep breaths trying to pull my spinning head out of the clouds. I didn’t have much time to think as his lips landed behind my ear and trailed down my neck. “Please, I’m so sorry, Lilith.” He said between kisses. I gasped as his teeth grazed my marking spot. My head wouldn’t stop spinning, and at this point I would let him do anything. Parts of my body that only just started existing to me were moistening, making a pool between my thighs. We made eye contact, his eyes turning black as he took shallow breaths. His lips met mine with a new hunger, and he started lifting my dress to my hips, his fingers grazing the insides of my thighs.
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