Another Mate?-1

1048 Words
“Hey babe, you ready to mingle with the other packs and get more acquainted with Silver Mountain?” Sherri looped her arm through mine, startling me. “Holy s**t, Sherri, you almost gave me a heart attack.” I laughed, placing my hand over my heart. It was beating fast, but it was hard for us wolves to actually have heart attacks. She eyed me up and down, a weird look on her face. “What are all these little red marks on you?” She poked on a few of them. I looked down and gasped. Xavier had left little marks on me! I pulled Sherri into my room, slamming the door. “Alright spill. Why do you smell like sweaty action, and what are those marks all over you?” “I lost my virginity.” It flew out of my mouth before I could stop myself, and both of our eyes widened. Sherri laughed and pulled me to my bed, sitting us down. “You smell like it! What happened! Details please!” And I spilled. All the details; the way he looked, the way he smelled, the way he felt. Sherri listened enthusiastically, nodding and giggling with me. She squealed when I finished, wrapping her arms around me, and I laughed. It was so good to be able to tell my best friend this, she understood me in a way I didn’t understand myself. “Well, the marks are finally gone so we can go downstairs.” She said, and I nodded. As we made our way downstairs, the different smells started meeting my nose, and it twitched. The smells of food are what interested me, and my mouth started watering. I was taking down a steak and no one was going to stop me. As I made a beeline for the buffet table with Sherri right behind me, I was stopped in my tracks by an annoying voice. “Oh my god baby, you’re so right!” Monica said, smacking Xander on the chest. My eyes could be lying to me, but I thought I saw a look of disdain, but it was gone before I could be sure. I rolled my eyes, filling my plate with steak, mashed potatoes, beans, green beans, a porkchop, and a drumstick, and went to sit down at a table with Sherri. As Sherri and I had conversation, I noticed Alpha Leo talking to Xavier, an angry expression on both of their faces. After a moment, Wyatt and Xander joined them, shock written on their faces. They all chatted for a moment before Alpha Leo walked away, muttering under his breath. “Sherri.” I hissed, watching the boys from the corner of my eye. “That’s him.” Her eyes followed mine to Xavier, and she looked as confused as Wyatt and Xander. Before she could say anything, I stood up and made my way towards them. Wyatt saw me first, a smile stretching across his face. Before I could reach them, Alpha Leo took the stage, beginning the Alpha Ceremony, and we all turned to face him. “Ladies and gentleman, it is my greatest honor to have you all here today,” he began, smiling down at everyone. “As you all know, it’s high time this old bag of bones stepped down and my two sons replace me.” Green Leaf and Silver Lake laughed softly, some wiping tears, making Alpha Leo’s eyes tear up. One of our council elders stepped forward on the stage, a golden bowl and a beautiful golden dagger on a pillow in his outstretched hands. Both were decorated with emeralds of different sizes that glinted off the light. Wyatt and Xander made their way to the stage, their smiles not meeting their eyes. “Wyatt and Xander Lake, it is time for you to begin your alpha duties.” Elder James said, diving into his speech. When the men finished their Alpha vows, Elder James handed Wyatt the dagger. The light glinted off the handle as Wyatt slashed it across his palm, a hush falling over the crowd as Xander did the same. A breeze picked up, swirling through the air as everyone cheered their names. “As you all know, we have a couple different packs here tonight.” Wyatt said when everyone died down. “Black Crescent Pack was unable to join us, but Silver Mountain and Blood Moon have blessed us with their presence.” “As you all also know, Monica Andrews has been our long time girlfriend, and has just turned 18.” Xander said, and Monica joined them on the stage. My stomach flipped. I knew what was going to happen, but I wasn’t as prepared as I thought. “As of tonight, Monica is your future Luna, and will be taking her place by our sides on the next full moon.” There were cheers from many, with confused murmuring from others. “Alpha Xander, who will take over the Alpha of Silver Mountain if Monica is to be our Luna?” Someone from Green Leaf shouted. Wyatt smiled, his eyes bright. “As of just now, Silver Mountain and Green Leaf have been merged together.” Wyatt claimed. There was an audible gasp around the yard. “Alpha Luke has stepped down, and our borders have increased. Both pack houses will be torn down to create a larger one on the old border line, with more houses built around the area.” “And what about us future Betas and Gammas?” Sherri yelled, visibly upset. “Shawn Winters and Sherri Micheals will continue to be the Beta and Gamma of the pack. We have trained extra hard for the past year, and I feel they are the best Beta and Gamma for the job.” Sherri visibly relaxed, Shawn clapping the old future beta of Silver Mountain on the back. “If there are any more questions, feel free to bring them to our attention. For now, enjoy the drinks and meals; the run will be at 8 pm sharp starting here. Please dress accordingly.” Xander turned and kissed Monica, laughter and cheers filling the air. My stomach kept flipping, and I blinked before tears could escape.
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