Chapter 9

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"You're dating your boss?" Leilani's best friend Noelle had finally decided to visit. Despite living just two blocks over, she was always working and really never had any free time. But for Leilani, she made an exception. "I wouldn't really say dating. Just like, hanging out, you know?" Leilani tried to give the best response, biting her bottom lip as she anticipated Noelle's next few words. Noelle burst into laughter. "Oh, Lani-Pooh. I think this is the craziest thing you've ever done! I'm proud of you." Noelle cheers, patting Leilani's back like she was a champion or something. Noelle was the more adventurous one out of the two of them. She took way more risks than Leilani ever could and it always worked in her favor. That was one of Noelle's traits that Leilani always admired about her best friend. "Maybe, just maybe, you can get your cherry popped before the summer is over!" Noelle threw out there. That was something Leilani wasn't quite ready to do yet. She wanted her first time to be special. "Hmm, I don't know." Leilani said, biting her lip nervously. Noelle shrugged and went back to their task at hand. Cupcakes! They were putting the final touches, strawberry icing, onto the dozen cupcakes they had baked. The plan was to overdose on pizza and cupcakes for the night; something they hadn't done in months. Also, over-indulge in girl talk. As they watched reruns of Girlfriends, Leilani's thoughts ran a marathon. Her mind thought back to the "cherry-popping" situation. Mr. Vanderbilt was a seasoned man, especially being that he was twice her age. How would it ever work? Leilani glanced over at Noelle, who had her cherry popped back in high school. Noelle was also very sexually active. "Hey, Noelle?" Leilani called out to her best friend. Noelle responded, "yeah?" She hadn't yet unglued her eyes from the television screen. Leilani played with the hem of her t-shirt nervously, biting her lip at the same time. "Um, what was your first time like?" Leilani asked her best friend.  Noelle sat up. She was surprised by her best friends question. Also, Noelle needed time to think about her first time. She had been with almost a dozen since then. "That's a good question." Noelle thought out loud. "It was the summer before 10th grade. Damari Johnson was having his graduation party. You know, the one your mom wouldn't let you go to because she said the Johnsons are too wild?" Noelle and Leilani laughed together. Leilani had remembered what her mother said. And it was true. The Johnsons used to be their neighbor and every weekend was a house party. "We were crushing on each other bad but you know the age and grade level was a problem for everyone around us." Noelle reminisced. "But anyways... Damari invited me to his party. While everyone got drunk outside, we chilled in his room. It was painted blue, his favorite color, there were basketball trophies everywhere and his bed was huge. It had to be a king sized, I'm sure." Noelle continued. Leilani gave her a get-the-hell-on-with-the-story look. "He turned off the lights, we shared a cup of beer. He started kissing all over me. Not sloppy kisses either. The slow, gentle type of kisses. He stripped us both and when it came time for... you know... penetration." Noelle paused once she saw Leilani facial expression. Penetration. That was a word that Leilani wasn't ready to hear. "Oh god!" Leilani exclaimed, burying her face in her hands. Noelle erupted into giggles. "Well, how else do you want me to explain s*x!" Noelle replied, amused. "Just continue." Leilani instructed. "He used a rubber and lube. The lube played a very important role in the act. Even though I was already very excited and ready, the lube made everything easy and super comfortable. And after about 10 minutes, we both climaxed. We cuddled after. It was nice." Noelle ended the story. Leilani wanted to know more. "What happened with Damari Johnson? That was it?" Leilani inquired. Noelle shrugged. "We had a summer fling before he went away to college. That's about it." She ended the story with a shrug. Leilani wondered if she would ever be intimate with Mr. Vanderbilt again. They only kissed once but it was magical. In the moment, Leilani didn't know what exactly she wanted but she wanted more  magic with Mr. Vanderbilt. She wanted another kiss. But s*x? Leilani wasn't sure how she felt about giving her body to someone right now. Especially to someone she hadn't yet committed herself to. This was all too much. There would be no cherry-popping for Leilani until someone proved themselves to her. The next day, Noelle went home and Leilani was left alone. Mr. Vanderbilt had given her a short manuscript to read and review over the weekend so she decided now was a good to get the work done. About an hour after Leilani had finished the revisions, she picked up her cellphone. And to her surprise, Mr. Vanderbilt has texted. Mr. V: I can't stop thinking about you.. Leilani's heart fluttered just a little bit. How could a text have her this nervous? Immediately, her straight face became a childish grin as she anticipated her response. What should she say? He's always on her mind as well... Leilani: I can't stop thinking about you either.. She thought she would have to wait a few minutes for Mr. Vanderbilt to respond but he didn't miss a beat. Mr. Vanderbilt: I was thinking. Tomorrow night. Would you like to have dinner? Leilani gasped. Another date? This soon? She wanted to move fast but she didn't think another date would be this soon. Leilani didn't want to miss her chance with Mr. Vanderbilt so she responded quickly. Leilani: Yes, I would. Before she could think of anything else, he replied within seconds. Mr. Vanderbilt: Great! I'll send a car for you at 7pm sharp.  Leilani couldn't help but smile. She smiled so hard that her cheeks started to hurt.
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