Wolf President Hooks Up Read Online by Hailey


Elaine woke up in a strange place. At first, she swore that she was in the comfort of her personal bedroom, but she soon came to realize that she was in a hotel, and not just any part of the hotel but in a presidential suite. Elaine’s heartbeat almost stopped when she found herself naked. Naked? What had happened? According to Wolf President Hooks Up Novel, Elaine had not the slightest idea for a long time. In fact, she did not remember anything.

While Elaine was in a daze, she got dressed and ran away from the hotel when she realized that the sound of running water which she had heard and thought it was either a dream or coming from somewhere else, was nothing but the man who had spent the night with her in that presidential suite. He was taking a bath and would be back to her if she did not hurry out of that room. Elaine took to her heels, and when the man in the shower came out to see that she had left, he asked his assistant to look for her wherever she had gone to.

One Night With The Uninvited Wolf President

Part 1: Main Characters Of Wolf President Hooks Up


Wolf President Hooks Up Elaine

Elaine is the female lead of Wolf President Hooks Up Novel. She was a new adult who had just graduated high school and was celebrating her final college entrance examination when she mistakenly became a woman. Elaine is a gentle character in the novel who looked very much younger than her age and was often mistaken for a fifteen, or sixteen-year-old. She was silly, daring and bold. Yes, Elaine appeared to be timid, but she knew just where and when to turn her attitude up when it was needed.

Elaine, as silly as her character was in Wolf President Hooks Up Novel, was responsible for a lot. She was from a humble home, and by saying humble, it was a little bit way below average. Elaine had to take a job to maintain her family alongside her father who was a bus driver, and her younger sister who somehow always managed to outshine Elaine because she had the looks for it. Elaine’s desire to help her family especially financially led to her scoring a job as the temporary assistant to the president of a huge company.

Emmet Smith

Wolf President Hooks Up Emmet Smith

Emmeth Smith was known in the Wolf President Hooks Up as the golden bachelor. He was the president of Tianyi Group, and was admired by nearly all the women in the city he lived in. Emmet Smith was the man that Elaine had forced herself on when she got drunk during her party. Emmet was an uptight celebrity that every woman wanted but he never acknowledged any of them only for him to fall for Elaine when the drunk gorl came up to him asking him to sleep with her.

Emmet Smith later somehow found Elaine after she ran away from the hotel room and employed her into his company where she would work as his temporary assistant. The man knew exactly what he was doing the entire time. He had been looking for Elaine, and he had found her in a position that would favor him the most. She desperately needed help; she desperately needed a job. Why would he not offer her one? Wink*

One Night With The Uninvited Wolf President

Part 2: All About Wolf President Hooks Up

Wolf President Hooks Up Read Online

Elaine was in a celebratory mood in Wolf President Hooks Up Novel. She had graduated from high school and was in a party to celebrate with her mates as they had just finished their college entrance examination when supposed disaster struck. Elaine drank every single alcoholic content that was on the menu, and before she knew it, she could not control herself anymore, alongside her craving. Elaine became horny, and what did she do about it? She saw a handsome man around her and demanded him to sleep with her.

Nothing prepared Emmet Smith for what was happening in front of him that day. He was on his own when this girl who looked very much like a minor walked up to him and threw herself in his arms, asking him to sleep with her. Sleep with her? Emmet was confused, upset and disgusted all at once. A man of his status had seen so many women throw themselves at him like that, but if he was being honest, he had never had a minor do that to him. What was going on? Emmet tried as much as he could to resist the temptation that was Elaine, but before he knew what was happening, she fell asleep in his arms.

Emmet, according to Wolf President Hooks Up, took Elaine to his hotel room and placed her on the bed. Then he thought of giving her a bath for one reason or the other, so he stripped her and took her into the bathtub, and that was when everything just fell apart. The man could no longer hold himself together, and so he took Elaine back to the bed and had his way with her. The following day, Elaine woke up to the sound of water running somewhere, and a headache that made her wish she would just go back to sleep. When she opened her eyes and took note of her environment, Elaine realized that she had no idea where she was. Where was she? And how did she get there?

Elaine later noticed that she was in a hotel, and the presidential suite of the hotel for that matter. Panic immediately overtook her as she scrambled around to get dressed and run away. Emmet Smith came out of the bathroom to see that she had left, so he instructed his assistant to go after her and find out everything about her. That is very usual for male leads of contemporary romance novels, they are always going after the female lead, trying to find out everything about her after their first encounter.

Elaine got home, afraid that her father would see her. She snuck into the house the following morning after staying out all night, drunk and with a man she did not know. A scolding voice scared her to wits, and she yelped at the sound of her sister’s voice who demanded to know where Elaine had been all night. Thankfully, according to Wolf President Hooks Up Novel, Elaine was the older sister, so she was able to bully her younger one and get her to stop talking. As the older sister, Elaine definitely had her way around her younger sister to calm her down.

Elaine, following the necessities that her family faced, had to get a job. Everyone in her family had to get jobs to help out in the house including her younger sister who worked at a fast food and succeeded at it so well. Elaine had nearly lost hope when she did not receive any positive information from the jobs that she applied for until she got a call from Tianyi Group. Elaine got to the comoany that claimed to be interested in her, and everyone was shocked to see someone as small as she was showing up to take a job in the company. Was she not a fifteen- or sixteen-year-old?

Elaine had a stressful time explaining to everyone that she had just recently turned eighteen and that she was not as small as they thought. It was even more fascinating when they found out that Elaine would be the new temporary assistant for the president of the company. Even Elaine was shocked at that.

She resumed her job on the 29th floor of the Tianyi Group Company, and just as she was taking a look around her boss’ office and wondering what sort of man he was, she heard a voice from behind ask her about her thoughts. It was none other than Emmet Smith, president of Tianyi Group, and the man that Elaine had forced herself on some days ago.

Part 3: Conclusion Of Wolf President Hooks Up

Wolf President Hooks Up Novel

If nothing else gets readers going in Wolf President Hooks Up Novel, the silly character that is Elaine would definitely be a reader’s favorite. As much as she was silly, she was also pretty firm and she knew what she wanted at all times, even when she was drunk. Eliane, in her drunken state, made sure that the handsome man that was in her line of sought slept with her. Can you imagine?

If she had gotten Emmet to sleep with her by all means and had not managed to secure a job by all means as well, it would have been bad for her. The book is written with enough humor to keep readers stuck. Everyone loves a good laugh, and when a generous amount of humor has been added to a novel, the author can do nothing wrong. Wolf President Hooks Up is a decent book and is highly recommended.

One Night With The Uninvited Wolf President


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