[Latest Updated] When A Snail Loves Novel Review


Ji Bai totally did not expect her to say that. His heart sank, coldly said: What do you mean?”

Xu Xu looked into his eyes: I also like you so you don’t need to pursue.”

When A Snail Loves is an action romance story that is originally a Chinese novel, but has been adapted to English, and now with the story’s success When A Snail Loves has become a TV series in Viki, a network for Asian dramas.

So, When A Snail Loves is quite a reputation, and with that, this novel is honestly giving me a lot of reasons to expect for. I guess this wouldn’t be adapted to film if this wasn’t good. So, now my only question is how good really is When A Snail Loves?

Okay, so let’s talk about the novel’s premise. When A Snail Loves is a love story of Xuxu and Ji Bai, two police officers who were pushed to work together trying to solve an elusive crime. The problem is Xuxu was like a snail in comparison to Ji Bai’s skill. Xuxu is a snail. Ji Bai is a lion. That’s how far and different their profile and skills are.

Part 1: When A Snail Loves As An Action Romance Novel

When A Snail Loves Synopsis

When A Snail Loves is actually a narration of Xuxu’s love story, of how she falls in love until she and Ji Bai had a relationship. Here is When A Snail Loves’were two people of opposite personalities and skills.

Though she’s a policewoman, Xuxu wasn’t that skilled when it comes to combat, plus her body seemed petite compared to the usual police officers thus giving her a weak impression. Yet, there’s one good thing he’s really good about – her analytical skill is exceptional, and that’s why she was paired with the world’s renowned detective Ji Bai.

‘But for Ji Bai, Xuxu needs a lot of work to be fit for the mission. So, he trained her. Although they may initially appear to be an odd teacher-student duo, Detective Ji Bai and new criminal profiler Xu Xu are the best collaborators in the police department, solving crimes one after the other.

Ji Bai slowly falls in love with Xu Xu despite the fact that she is a girl who moves not just in training but in love at a snail’s pace.

When A Snail Loves Action Romance Novel

Meanwhile, Xu Xu believed she knew it all. She felt confident that she was prepared for everything the world threw at her because she was a no-nonsense top-of-the-class police academy graduate. But she soon discovered that theory and reality weren’t always the same when she was partnered with the renowned detective Ji Bai.

Together, they would stop a crazy warlord, bust worldwide human trafficking gangs, solve decades-old crimes, and catch murderers all while juggling their budding romance. Their relationship was put through the wringer and had to go to hell and back, but would it be too much, or would love win in the end?

When A Snail Loves is really an interesting novel. Its premise is intriguing that at first glance of the book you would like to pick it up. In 2016, When A Snail Loves was made a TV drama, a Chinese television series produced by Daylight Entertainment under a new title – When A Snail Falls In Love, yet the TV series still follows the same book plot and retains the character’s name.

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Part 2: Analyzing The Main Protagonists of When A Snail Loves


When A Snail Loves Xuxu In Film Adaptation

Xuxu is honestly an interesting character here in When A Snail Loves. She’s a strong woman in her own sense. She’s naive when it comes to love, and she doesn’t even know when a guy is already falling for her.

She’s a dedicated police officer with exceptional analytical skills. Xuxu of When A Snail Loves is known for being the most beautiful woman in Lin Police Station. She’s got that reputation.

Well. just all that, for being a woman in a world of men, she was always misinterpreted as a weakling due to her physical physique. She’s described as petite for a police officer who always wears a coat that goes up to the length of her ankle making her height even smaller.

I like how Xuxu’s character was crafted. It’s no doubt why When A Snail Loves has become a TV show, the excellency of work was evident even in the character building.

Ji Bai

Okay, so he’s the badass hero here in When A Snail Loves. He’s a kickass, charming, top-class police officer, and he’s always Xuxu’s savior. I like how Ji Bai’s character itself here in When A Snail Loves was a source of thrill and romance.

His character puts the thrill in the plot because actually When A Snail Loves’has a common plot- two police officers on a mission and they fall in love, that’s very usual and common.

Yet, Ji Bai’s characterization added color to it. Or should I say, Ji Bai is the charm of When A Snail Loves?

Even the crafting of his personality was well thought of. Here we have a top-class police officer with a perfectionist personality, not so snob, but strict and demanding excellence in work. He has that high wall around himself yet he falls in love with a woman who’s exactly the opposite of him. These are all interesting, you will fall in love with Ji Bai Of When A Snail Loves.

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Part 3: Epic Scenes of When A Snail Loves

: You are talking about a report of 300,00 words, 12 charts, and 17 attachments? I want you to hear you talk about yourself!”

This scene in When A Snail Loves is a laugh trip. So, Xuxu has been depressed for days because the station had cost a lot due to her mistake in the criminal report. Ji Bai called to help her yet he wasn’t that gentle. Ji Bai helped her figure it out but he was in a bossy and strict mood. In this scene, you would admire Ji Bai’s mentoring skills.

: She was frightened by it but also felt a distinct calming sensation.”

This is an example of an action romance scene. Here, in this scene of When A Snail Loves, there was a commotion with the culprit whom Xuxu was arresting. She was taken, hostage. Gladly, Ji Bai came just right in time and rescued her.

Part 4: Similar Book To When A Snail Loves

When A Snail Loves Similar Book

When A Snail Loves is quite a long story, so there are still many epic and romantic scenes you could expect to read as the plot gets even more intense in the latter part of the book. If you love action romance books like When A Snail Loves’I think you will love The Mafia Boss Diary.

I honestly love this book more. I feel like this is a hidden gem, though this isn’t as popular as When A Snail Loves’yet this is an incredible read. I love the badass of the plot plus the hot romantic scenes here.

The Mafia Boss Diary tells about the journey of Akira Aspein Farquharson with his brother, Audrey Gray Usoro Farquharson who will be sitting as the next mafia boss.

Akira was an adopted child of Aristo Farquharson, the greatest mafia boss and the founder of Mafiafarquharson. What will happen when the most feared powerful Mafia boss falls in love?

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