Obsessive Romance Book Review: Twin Tormentors by RARE


Having a boy obsessed over you is hard as it is, but when there are two handsome twin boys smitten with your very presence, you know things are about to take a crazy turn. You have two choices. You can either run far, far away or you can accept and enjoy their love, and attention, not to mention hot passion.

Leigh Ari believed she found her safe fortress when she met Lorenzo and Vernero, her neighbors from across the street. Abandoned by her mother and living with a heartbroken father was bound to leave her sad and depressed, but her favorite twins looked after her and helped her get back on her feet.

Sometimes though, just like love, trust is also blind. Leigh Ari walked straight into a trap set by her best friends, who assaulted her without hesitation.

We don’t know what happened right after the guys sexually assaulted her, as the novel time-jumps into the future when our characters are older and, perhaps wiser, but we do know that such an event had to shape Leigh’s personality and future decisions.

At first, Lorenzo and Vernero don’t look peculiar whatsoever. They are these stunning boys who always gave Leigh a shoulder to cry on. Even when Verzi called the girl asking for her to come and help him with a school assignment, everything seemed to be normal.

I kind of hope until the very end of the chapter that the boys were just pranking their favorite girl. But, even if, just for a moment I hated them for their despicable actions, I later comprehended their true intentions. It was all about lust, sex, and obsession.

For more all-consuming, sick love and lust, check out My Boss Is My Tormentor on Dreame. It’s an adult romance book, worth devouring. It’s spicy, entertaining, and filled with hot scenes.

Read My Boss Is My Tormentor now!

Part 1: The Main Story of Twin Tormentors

Twin Tormentors Mafia Vernero

Leigh Anne casually sits in front of her laptop, about to send her school assignment due the next day when her phone suddenly rings. A wide smile crosses her face as she sees the name on the notification.

Verzi, one of her best friends in the whole world, asks Leigh Anne to come and give him and his brother a hand with the school project. Shutting down her laptop, she rushed over to Verzi and Lorenzo.

Ever since her mother left her and her father in favor of a rich guy, the twin boys living across the street have been Leigh Anne’s shoulders to cry on. They mended her heart and helped her get back on her feet and, since then, they have become best friends. There’s no one in the world she can trust more with her life.

Getting to Vernero and Lorenzo’s place, Leigh Ann is surprised to see that no one answers. She enters the house, climbs the stairs, and gets to Verzi’s room, only to find it empty. The girl feels something must be wrong, so she turns around to leave when, all of a sudden, she hits a big wall of muscles.

Turning out to be Vernero, Leigh Ann relaxes and takes a seat on the boy’s bed, waiting for him to open his computer and work on their school assignment. Unfortunately, the twins have a hidden agenda with their best friend.

With hungry eyes, filled with lust and determination, Verzi and Lorenzo come toward the girl with predatory steps. Taking a step back, Leigh Ann believes for a second that the boys only made a sick joke, but, as soon as Enzo grabs her, folding her hands behind her back and locking them tightly and Verzi rips off her dress, she knows their true intentions.

Crying, the last thing Leigh Ann hears before the twins carry on with their plan is Lorenzo’s promise that they won’t hurt her. Or maybe just a little.

Years later, the girl, now a famous doctor, saves a man’s life, after he escapes the Mafia’s wrath. Leigh Ann takes the man, who is all bloodied and bruised, to her apartment and tends to his injuries. Unbeknownst to her, the gorgeous injured mafia boy is none other than Vernero, who spent his entire life searching for Leigh Ann.

Now, both Vernero and Lorenzo start chasing the girl, obsessed with being together with her. How will Leigh Ann react when meeting her tormentors from the past? Will she stay away from them or let her lust consume her?

Part 2: Twin Tormentors Review

Twin Tormentors Lorenzo

When it comes to sexy, dangerous guys, you might want to keep away from them. But, the more you’ll try to fight the urge of running into their arms, the bigger your lust will become. And this is exactly what happens in Twin Tormentors. Leigh Ann’s mind might tell her to stay steered from the twins, but her body will crave their touch.

As Leigh Ann gives in to her intimate desires, one may believe that she is a weak leading character, but, my opinion is that in fact, she is actually bold and strong enough to do exactly what she wants for once in her life. She knows exactly that this sick, co-dependent trio won’t last forever, but, at least, she’ll consume her fervent passion.

Overall, the story is exciting and it’s filled with hot sex scenes, threesomes, and fervent fights. It will keep you plugged in from the beginning until the very last chapter. None of the three leading characters will be the same after their crazy, passionate experience. They could end up together in a polyamorous relationship or drift apart. I won’t tell you though, ho heavy spoilers for now.

Part 3: Read This Romance Novel If You Liked Twin Tormentors

Twin Tormentors Novel

Ready for some more obsessive romance? Read My Boss Is My Tormentor on Dreame. The intriguing storyline follows the arrogant CEO Ryan Johnson, who visits India for a business project and gets infatuated with the first woman to ever refute him publicly.

Angry and hurt in his ego, Ryan makes a goal out of dominating Rose Kapoor in his bed. He will find a way to blackmail the woman and make her submit to his will on and on. Surprisingly, his plan will backfire and he will fall for the gorgeous woman.

Read My Boss Is My Tormentor now!


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