The Eye Of The World You Shouldn’t Miss


Evil and darkness abound in this book. The Eye Of The World, indeed! Can you imagine what it would be like if you had The Eye Of The World? You will see and encounter things you’d rather have not seen and encountered.

The mad king was not mad initially, of course, but through the slightest crack of an opening in his soul, darkness crept in. He delved too deeply into the world of magic and stared too long into the abyss. And guess what happened? The abyss stared right back at him and caught him in a daze.

The Dark Lord caused all male magic users to go insane because one of them had defiled him. There were two aspects of magic in this world where the author depicts The Eye Of The World Book, they were the Saidin and the Saidar.

The Saidin belonged to the male half of magic, and the Dark Lord cursed the Saidin, making all of them go mad. The prologue of this book starts in Dragonmount, with Lewis Therin Telamon, once a powerful king, and potent user of magic walking into his castle which had been destroyed completely with everything in it.

Lewis Therin Telamon did not notice that his castle was in disarray and that his wife and children as well as all his servants lay dead on the floor under piles of filth and rubble from the destroyed castle. He could be seen calling his wife’s name fondly and without fretting while she lay dead in the same room he was in. After a while, he finds out what he has done, and as he wept profusely, he destroyed himself.

Yes, Lewis Therin Telamon turned himself into null causing distress in the land soon after. There was a desolation in the land, no growth was recorded, farming was such a tussle, and even the oceans dried up. There was such hopelessness to the extent that, the living wished they were dead.

Dying was the best escape out of a world to where The Wheel Of Time had done negative justice to. Myth and Legend passed about such a time in the scheme of things, and tales were told of the one who brought the breaking of the world, and they named him Dragon.

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Part 1: All About The Eye Of The World

The Eye Of The World Dark One

In The Eye Of The World Wheel Of Time, ages after this occurrence, Tam and Rand Al’thor were traveling to Emond’s field to deliver brandy and cider in time for the Bel Tine Spring festival. Farmers were complaining bitterly about the season, as little to no crops were yielded, and Tam was just relieved to leave the farm.

Desolation still rested heavily on the land, and they all wished that the ”Prince Of The Morning” would sing to them, thus, changing their current place of hopelessness and desolation. While Tam Al’thor and his son Rand were traveling, Rand felt a presence around him.

It was as if someone was watching him intensely, and when he happened to look behind him, he saw a horseman in a dark cloak peering at him with hate and riding toward him with ill intentions. Petrified, as soon as Rand called the attention of his father, Tam, and Tam turned to look in the direction of the horseman, the horseman had disappeared. But Rand knew that he saw something.

Arriving at their destination, Emond’s field, Rand catches up with his old friend, Matt, an exciting fellow who had endeared into the farms and the fields, and Rand spoke of the horseman that he had seen on his way to Emond’s field that day.

Matt said he had seen it as well. All that didn’t stop them from preparing for the Bel Tine festival as strangers and performers had been hired for the event that everyone looked forward to.

To cut the story short, In The Eye Of The World Book, the dark one struck again after a long time. Tam and Rand Al’thor left for their farm at night and were attacked by intruders. These intruders were known as Trollocs.

They were half man, and half animal and they were servants of the dark one. Tam, who had been feeling restless before the attack, had fetched a sword that even Rand his supposed son didn’t know existed, this was just in time for the attack of the Trollocs as Tam fought the a flock of Trollocs fervently, asking Rand to run to the forest.

After surviving the attack with heavy wounds on his body, Tam found Rand in the forest, and Rand took his father back to the village to get help. It was at this point that Tam confessed that he found Rand as an abandoned baby on the battlefield, and adopted him and that Rand was in no way his son.

Rand was shocked to find out that he was not Tam’s son as he had believed for more than a decade of his life. It was now revealed that the Dark one had an interest in Rand, for reasons that one cannot know until you read The Eye Of The World Book.

Part 2: Hot Chapters of The Eye Of The World


The Eye Of The World Trolloc

This is a very intense chapter of the book, and without understanding what happened in the prologue, there would be a huge gap in the reader’s understanding while reading the following chapters of The Eye Of The World.

The prologue tells us about Lewis Therin Telamon entering his castle which had been destroyed to the barest minimum and calling out for his wife fondly. ”Ilyena! Ilyena!!” Lewis Therin Telamon could be heard calling out to his wife who had already died with a look of shock and bewilderment in her eyes.

Lewis was in this state when Elan Morin Tedronai, now usually known as the ”Betrayer of Hope” appeared, telling Lewis that he had come to take him away.

Lewis still did not know what he had done, as the fragments of his mad deeds still covered his senses, until the betrayer of hope forced him to remember, and in deep anguish, Lewis Therin Telamon destroyed himself with magic after seeing that he had wiped out his entire family by himself.

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Part 3: Main Characters of The Eye Of The World

Lewis Therin Telamon

The Eye Of The World Lewis Therin Telamon

The Dragon. Lewis Therin Telamon was the mad king that destroyed his family, and entire castle after he had been among the Saidin that the dark one had cast into damnation causing all the male magicians to be mad.

”Prince of the morning,” as he was fondly called, The Eye Of The World Book was centered around him and what he had done in the past. Lewis Therin Telamon’s deeds of the past greatly affected the present. Lewis Therin Telamon was asked to serve the dark lord in exchange to bring his wife back to life after he had mistakenly killed her along with his children, but he refused.

Rand Al’Thor

The Eye Of The World Rand Al'Thor

Rand Al’thor was The Eye Of The World. The Dragon Reborn, as he was later found out to be, he spotted the dark one as a horseman at the beginning of the book when he was going to Emond’s field with his foster father Tam Al’thor.

The dark one attacked the village because of Rand Al’thor. The dark one was aware that Rand Al’thor was the dragon reborn, and because he was afraid, he tried to eliminate Rand Al’thor in so many ways.

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