The Billionaire’s First Love Full Novel Review Read Online Free


The story tells of Adam who has to endure a miserable life because of a decision that was made by him but borne from the pressure of the people he had called family. They had made him lose something good and worthwhile, and for this reason, he could not go back to the way things were. Adam could not find it in himself not to have them. They were the reason that he could not be happy, but maybe that person could change all that.

“The Billionaire’s First Love” is a tale of the type of love that only comes once in a lifetime. How they fared after all that both had seen, we can’t wait to find out. How was fate going to turn their lives upside down this time? The story touches on the themes of family, love, betrayal, and happiness.

What exactly do we call happiness? Is it living in a construct that solely gives us joy? Or are there more details that need to be present in order to call it happiness? Maybe it was the life that was never lived or the person that was never allowed in. Is it even possible to call that happiness? They seem like possibilities that we fantasize about in order to escape reality and the fact that happiness is something that e can make with our own hands and ability.

Adam is a man with the whole world practically at his feet, yet that was not a means of happiness. Not at all. He is hardly able to let go of the stone in his heart, and it is a rightly sad and lonely experience.

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Part 1: Plot Summary of The Billionaire’s First Love

The Billionaire's First Love: Adam and Katherine

The story follows Adam, a man with a life that is best called a spectacle of bad decisions. But it helps that he’s rich. Yes, Adam is rich. But in his case, the saying that all the money in the world can’t buy happiness is true. I don’t know about Adam, but that money could buy me a lot of happiness. But then we look at his home life. Adam lives with a right bitch. This woman is a complete nutcase who takes every chance to argue with Adam and in the meantime, their kids aren’t even eating dinner. She hounds him for the women he cheats on her with, but the whore is no saint either. Yes, I put it that way. What sort of mother forgets to feed her four-year-old and seven-month-old children?

Adam might not be perfect when it comes to fidelity, but it’s pretty much a given considering the stuff that his marriage was made of. Nevertheless, Adam was a man who loved his children. It was only expected that they were the ones who would inadvertently bring the one missing piece of happiness, back into his life.

Adam is already used to an empty life that is a jumbled mess of dissatisfaction and debauchery. A life of betrayal and loneliness. All in all, it was a life of unhappiness. Now, can he find the strength to overcome it all and move on? Or is the pit just too deep that he can’t find a way out of it? How will Adam reconcile with a problematic past, and build a better, more secure future for himself and his kids?

Part 2: Meet the Main Character of The Billionaire’s First Love

Adam Sleeves

The Billionaire's First Love: Adam

He is a successful man in the business world, a top dog, right at the front of everything. He has wealth, power, and status. However, even with all these things, Adam felt disinclined to call his life one enriched with happiness and motivation. The happiness had fled someplace else, and what remained was a void. But he still had responsibilities. Adam could only feel pity and guilt for his children who were unlucky to have parents like himself and his wife.

Adam did not spend enough time with his children. It was partly the reason for his work, but he knew some of it was not work at all. Adam despised his wife, Tessie. This was the type of female he hated. The woman had slowly turned into a figure who Adam couldn’t stand to be around. For this reason, he had no idea of the things that went on in his home. He had no idea that his children were not even fed by their mothers. This couldn’t be called a home. It was something else completely. Could it be fixed? Who would take this miserable existence and give Adam something to look forward to? It was a bigger world out there, and a better life just waiting if he was willing to look.

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Part 3: Amazing Chapter from The Billionaire’s First Love

The Billionaire's First Love: Adam and Tessie

Chapter Four

Adam barged into Tessie’s room. It was the master bedroom that Adam had moved out of for the sake of his peace of mind. Adam now saw her lying on the bed and watching a movie on her MacBook. He inquired from the woman who was supposed to be a mother to the baby who was crying. Her response was that she was on a business call. Adam grew increasingly angry, and Tessie only fanned the flames. He mentions feeding the children, but Tessie uses his infidelity to counter back. She uses this same blunt weapon to justify why she was a crappy mother to their children.

Then came the issue of the nanny. They had found it difficult to get a nanny to work for them again. It was all because of Tessie. The mannerless woman had kicked out one more nanny for a no-good reason. It had been this way for a couple of years now. It was practically impossible to find a nanny willing to work for them now because Tessie was known for her bad behavior. The foolish woman’s response again was to state that Adam had been sleeping with the nanny.

Adam was thoroughly unhappy and to his limits with this person. He gave his warning once more; the new nanny would not have any reason to answer to Tessie and any problems would get Tessie thrown out.

Adam understood this wife of his. She spoke words that were intended to bring out the worst in him. He had anger problems and it was a battle to keep it from exploding.

He returned to his children and the oldest at four years asked if they were fighting. Adam could only reassure his son that everything was fine. Then, he watched his children sleep.

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