A Definitive Werewolf Romance Book: The Alpha’s Catharsis


The war between the Black Summit pack and vampires has finally ended, but the echoes of what happened were stil deafening. It left a distinct mark on everyone who witness it and has been forced to participate in the combat. Especially to Natalie and Reid who were the main prospect of the enemies. In the span of six months since it happened, so much has changed in the pack. Natalie has finally become the luna, the Black Summit pack has risen to power, and Grady’s still missing.

Though Natalie’s doing everything she can to protect the pack, and do her duties as their luna, she still couldn’t help but to question everything. Her alpha’s actions, and decisions to take over a helpless pack, and the foreboding danger she senses everywhere. How long before another war would break out? Did they really perish the ultimate threat to the pack? Or they’ve taken out the wrong group enemies, and overlooked the real antagonist of their tale?

As Natalie navigate between the life and death, her relationship with Alpha Reid begins to rattle, and the fine line between reality and manipulation has dissipate, as well.

The Alpha’s Catharsis is the second book of My Second Chance Mate. If the first one was suspenseful, and though-provoking, this one will set your standards high. It’s much darker, much epic, and much more dramatic. The writing style is superb, and easy to follow, it would take you only days to finish. Don’t stop reading, and know more about this epic tale of romance, war, and pure good-vs-evil.

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Part 1: Interesting Chapters of The Alpha’s Catharsis

Chapter 1

The Alpha's Catharsis - Training

It’s a normal day for the Black Summit pack. Natalie is ticking out the boxes of her to-do list, and nothing seemed to be out of place in the pack. Everything was moving gradually smooth, and yet, Natalie is still restless as though anytime, something terrible will happen in the pack. She couldn’t sit through the fact that Alpha Reid is in New York, processing the merging of the Wain Moon Pack and the Black Summit Pack. A lot could happen while he’s away, and Natalie feared she’s not enough to defend the little warriors and the pack from any danger.

That’s what happened last time, and Natalie couldn’t entertain the idea of the possibility that it might occur again. To ease her worries, she called Alpha Reid and implored if he’s doing alright. Alpha Reid’s dismissal made her more anxious.

Chapter 5

The Alpha's Catharsis – Natalie Showering

The meeting between Alpha Reid and Alpha Nicholas of the Waning Moon Pack didn’t go well as they planned. Alpha Nicholas behaved rather odd, and Alpha Reid didn’t get the agreement they wanted. It intrigued Alpha Reid and Natalie, they immediately commenced an investigation about them. But because they’ve been working with low profile, the legacy of their pack isn’t quite profound like the Black Summit has, there’s not enough sources they could consult with. Still, Natalie didn’t give up, and continue pushing their executives to gather information about them.

The chapter ended with Natelie, taking a bath, and in the process of doing so, she saw some blood coming from her body.

Part 2: About the Author of The Alpha’s Catharsis

The Alpha’s Catharsis is Enna Mortenson’s second work posted on Dreame. She didn’t reveal much about her personal life, just her name, it’s quite clear in the way she crafted her works that she likes books, especially the horror ones. She has a distinct writing style that reminds of Colleen Hoover. Magical, enticing, and full of surprise. It’s not a wonder how her two books received so much recognition.

The duology has already accumulated thousands of views, likes, and comments on Dreame, and if you wish to know why, and how it reached such milestone, you can visit her profile, and be one of her interesting readers.

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Part 3: Why It Deserved To Be In Your To-Be-Reading List

Like the first book, The Alpha Catharsis didn’t fail on providing a magnificent journey. Its fast-paced narrative made it easy for me to understand the story better. I lost count on how many I laughed, cried, and got amazed with everything that happened in the story. I personally like the writer’s technique, and I think it’s worth noting of since I’ve never encounter such a beginner with so much experience, and writing skills.

The story has depth, and every character didn’t felt like a cardboard stand. All are lively, have their own minds, and have consistency. I definitely recommend this book to all of romantics and fans of paranormal romance. It’s the book that you don’t want to ignore because you’re gonna miss out so many things in your life as a reader!

The Alpha’s Catharsis is an excellent piece, you deserve to give it a try!

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At Dreame, Stevenson has always been a lover for all kinds of novels with unique appetite for the female characters and their storylines. Boasting the experience as a former editor cooperating with millions of best-seller authors, he knows the most important factors in a novel that attract a specific audience group. He now is devoted in the review of prevailing novels and movies from all sources, selects the best ones, and gives his thoughts to help more people to find their suitable novels or movies quickly.


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