Romantic Thriller Novel Review: Capture Your Heart


How good can a plot get? This piece is testing boundaries and I am here for it. If I was on a cruise and a stranger burst into my room, I’d knock heads first and ask questions later. But, here we find a much nicer human than a lot of us are.

Honestly, she didn’t delay when she saw a person who needed help. Even when she was pushed to go the extra mile in order to make the whole ruse more convincing, she didn’t hesitate. Then again, it was a matter of life and death.

Nevertheless, she protected a bleeding man based of her instincts that he was not a bad person. That could only be called a higher form of selflessness, especially as she knew her life would be put into the equation, too.

The stranger recognized her act of kindness and was eager to pay her back. Who would have thought that the stranger would turn out to be someone from a very influential family in Zurich? He could practically be called a prince with his family background and money.

I should say, the protagonist is pretty irksome considering the fact that the man basically gave her what she needed to contact him. She could have tried reaching out somehow. What happens when she finally decides to forget the handsome stranger?

She never thought she would need his help, but the universe has a way of shoving shit in your way. How will she get this man, who was all the way at the top of the pyramid, to help her?

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Part 1: Plot Summary of Capture Your Heart

Capture Your Heart: Read Now

This story follows Karin. She was granted a scholarship at a foreign university, as well as a luxurious cruise. On this cruise, she experienced something almost surreal. It was a plain evening when she heard a knock at the door. The man who burst in when she opened the door, was bleeding. She didn’t let the fear of people hunting the man sway her.

She made up her mind to help the man even if it involved taking her shirt off in front of a stranger. When the people hunting the man came in, all they saw was two lovers with their passionate embrace interrupted. After outsmarting the bad guys, it was time for the stranger to leave, but not before giving Karin his name and a token to use if she wanted to get in touch with him.

However, it has been a few years since the encounter on the cruise ship, and yet Karin has not reached out to the man. She thinks about him, sure. But, she doesn’t have anything she would need his help with. Not to mention, her courage was minimal in that respect.

Finally, she decided to let go of the past and therefore sent back the coat he had left behind, and the piece of jade was placed in the pocket. She never expected that not long after doing this, she would be regretful of her actions and desperate to meet Troy Charlie who was also looking for her. She would need his help to save someone important. What happens when they finally reconnect with each other?

Part 2: Main Characters of Capture Your Heart


Capture Your Heart: Karin

She is an international student who was awarded a scholarship to study at the University of Zurich. She also won a trip on a luxury cruise. And, on this cruise, she met Troy Charlie, a man who needed her help to escape from those hunting him.

He had run into her room, and Karin could tell he was not going to hurt her. It was only one encounter, nevertheless, it was very much memorable. Not only because she had saved a complete stranger, but also because he was quite memorable himself. Unsurprisingly, people who have gone through a life-or-death situation like the two of them, would no doubt find it hard not to keep the other person in their thoughts.

Karin had accepted the token from Charlie, but never thought she would need it. She had given it back, but not long after she would need to get in touch with Charlie if she wants to save her friend.

Troy Charlie

He is the only child of his parents. Charlie is from a very influential family, wealthy and incredibly powerful. Therefore, it is not surprising that he would have so many enemies. He meets Karin on a ship while he is being chased. Already, he had lost a lot of blood, but the woman wasn’t scared. Instead of shying away, she cleaned up his wound and bandaged it.

When the enemies came for him, she hid him. Charlie sincerely gave her the token before leaving. However, he did not catch wind of her anywhere, no matter how hard he searched. When the coat and jade showed up, he quickly traced it back to the university, but still didn’t find her. Fortunately, it won’t be long until she came in front of him once again.

Part 3: Awesome Chapter from Capture Your Heart

Capture Your Heart'Novel

Chapter Seven

Karin is an adult, nevertheless, she thinks Entertainment houses are too complex and not to her taste. Her friend wanted to go into that line, and Karin could do little to dissuade her. So, she makes sure to warn her friend to be careful in everything she does.

For the most part of a month, her friend is fine and true to her word. But, something happens and she cannot be found.

Karin doesn’t see her friend where she is supposed to be and she gets worried. Karin waits a little longer, but still no word from her friend. She decided to go to her friend’s workplace. There, she finds out from the manager that her friend had caused a problem and offended a group of people so they took her away.

When Karin questions the manager’s inaction and nonchalance, he mentions that the people are rich and they can’t do anything about the situation. He warns Karin not to go after them or she will get in trouble too. Then he suggests to the police, that was a bad idea too since it would probably escalate her friend’s possible torture. Then, there was the second option: she could find someone as powerful as those people, then she can handle it.

The first person that comes to Karin’s mind is Charlie. She doesn’t want to bother him, but she has no other person to call. She hopes he hasn’t forgotten about her.

Capture Your Heart'Chapter Seven

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At Dreame, Stevenson has always been a lover for all kinds of novels with unique appetite for the female characters and their storylines. Boasting the experience as a former editor cooperating with millions of best-seller authors, he knows the most important factors in a novel that attract a specific audience group. He now is devoted in the review of prevailing novels and movies from all sources, selects the best ones, and gives his thoughts to help more people to find their suitable novels or movies quickly.


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