Romance Bestseller: Regretting You


Regretting you is a novel that will get you invested from the very first chapter. It depicts life events that we encounter on daily basis and which can alter life in a positive or negative way. Tragedies in general tend to take a toll on people, especially when the person you lose is the one who gives your life balance.

The book follows the aftermath of the tragic accident involving Chris, who is Morgan’s husband and Clara’s father. With him no longer around, the girls drift apart and have a hard time reconnecting.

New secrets and resentments come to surface as Clara and Morgan start dating again. The mother finally realizes that life is not all about sacrifices and routine and the daughter finally understands her mother’s choices from her teen years.

If you like novels that portray life drama, you ought to check out Mother Daughter’s. You can find the novel on Dreame platform, right here: Mother Daughter’s!

Part 1: Regretting You Book Summary

Regretting You Colleen Hoover

The story begins with Morgan’s teenage years retrospective. She and Jenny, her younger sister, were dating best friends Chris and Jonah, so they had their own little group. They went partying and spend almost every day together.

Morgan was already involved in a relationship with Chris for more than two years when she realized she might be pregnant with him. Unbeknownst to anyone, she also harbored feelings for Jonah, her sister’s boyfriend, but she tried to push those feelings back, as Jenny was planning to lose her virginity to the boy.

Complimenting Chris and telling him that he would be a great father someday, the boy reveals to Morgan that he already picked his little girl’s name for when they will have their own child. He would name her Clara.

Seventeen years later, Clara is in high-school, head over heels for Miller Adams, a teenage boy who moves the city limit a little every week because his favorite pizza place won’t deliver to his house unless it was within the city’s limits.

His home is only a mile away from the city sign, so the pizza place’s inner policy seems unfair. Miller tries to make things right his own way.

Clara has a great relationship with her aunt Jenny, who is her confident, much to Morgan’s dismay, who wishes her daughter were more open towards her. Jenny reconnects with Jonah after years of being apart, have a one night stand and she reveals that she carries his baby.

Now they are planning their wedding although Morgan is again reluctant towards the man, as he abandoned her sister in the past, only after two months of dating.

Jenny and Chris are involved in a tragic car accident and Morgan and Jonah discover that the two shared an illicit affair. The man and the woman, along with Clara and little Elijah will have to deal with the aftermath of the accident.

How will they cope with the fact that the two people who they trusted have hurt them the most? What will Morgan do to reconnect with her alienated grieving daughter? Even more, will she find the strength to love again?

Part 2: Regretting You Novel Hottest Chapters

Regretting You Book

Regretting You Colleen Hoover is a wonderful book, filled with all kinds of emotions. The journey of the characters throughout the narrative is paved with sorrow, anger, disappointment and eventually acceptance, forgiveness and love.

Here is a sneak peek from this wonderful book.

Regretting You Chapter 5

This chapter is being told from Morgan’s point of view.

Morgan arrives at the hospital with Elijah in her arms, desperate to find out if her husband as okay after his car accident. As no one could provide any reliable answer, she starts looking for her sister Jenny, who was a nurse there and this was also supposed to be her shift.

Not finding Jenny, Morgan asks at the front desk about her whereabouts and is being told that Jenny’s first shift after her maternity leave is tomorrow. The woman is confused but she calms down upon seeing Jonah walking inside the hospital.

The man is looking for Jenny, as he was informed that she was involved in a car accident. They stand quietly for a while, not knowing that they aren’t expecting information about the same patient. They had no idea that the Jenny and Chris were together.

When they figure things out and realize Jenny’s lie about starting work today, they try to make up reasons for them being together, but they eventually need to accept the truth, the two of them were having an affair.

Soon after, the doctor comes and informs them that there was nothing they could have done to save their lives, both Jenny and Chris are gone.

Regretting You Chapter 8

This chapter is being told from Clara’s point of view.

Clara leaves the house brokenhearted, again. Everything inside reminds her of her father and her mother keeps snapping at her. She finds herself in the parking lot at the movie theater, staring at Miller’s truck.

The girl wants to forget about the outside world, even if it’s only for one minute. Miller is inside, wiping down the concession stand and when he catches sight of Clara, he smiles. He thought she was grounded, so he is surprised she showed up there.

The girl confesses that she is indeed grounded, with no access to her telephone, but she escaped. Miller sends her to watch a movie and hands her a cup of Sprite and some popcorn. Clara watches most of the movie alone, until the boy shows up and sits beside her. She reveals she wants to cut her hair and Miller offers to cut it for her.

After leaving the movie theater, Clara goes home and finds her phone in her bedroom, on her pillow. It was her mother’s peace offering. She exchanges a few online messages with Miller, thanking him for the movie pass and sends her phone number.

Upon the boy’s question regarding her being named Jason in his phone so Shelby couldn’t figure out whose number it was, Clara remembers her aunt Jenny’s last advice to her. To never be the other girl. So the girl texts him back and tells him to save her number and call her when she can just be Clara.

Part 3: If You Liked Regretting You, Read This As Well

Regretting You Romance

Colleen Hoover Regretting You is really intense, it’s a story of life and survival. If you liked this family novel, you also need to check out Mother Daughter’s.

It depicts a series of a mother’s confessions regarding the upbringing of her children. She remembers their first smile, their first steps, the first time they called her ‘Momma’ and their first ‘I Love You’.

The woman considers those firsts as trophies and she starts pondering on their lasts. The last time they nursed, the last time they misspelled a word and so on. This novel is very sweet and emotional and you can find it on Dreame platform.

Mother Daughter’s Deserves A Read

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At Dreame, Stevenson has always been a lover for all kinds of novels with unique appetite for the female characters and their storylines. Boasting the experience as a former editor cooperating with millions of best-seller authors, he knows the most important factors in a novel that attract a specific audience group. He now is devoted in the review of prevailing novels and movies from all sources, selects the best ones, and gives his thoughts to help more people to find their suitable novels or movies quickly.


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