Revenge Romance Book Review – Mr. Sanderson’s Life At The Top


Rags to riches. Concealed identity. Rise of a man. Mr. Sanderson’s Life At The Top is a satisfying revenge story.

If you have read rising man-themed stories where the male lead is a secret heir of the richest in the world, and suddenly becomes rich when he receives a call and a money deposit. If you have read stories with those plots and have liked them then you will like Mr. Sanderson’s Life At The Top.

This has the same plot concept as those. I wonder why these kinds of stories are very common nowadays and are honestly selling to readers’ interest? Maybe because the rags to riches element thrilled us? Or the rise to the top plus the revenge element is not boring?

There could be lots of reasons but certainly, revenge romance stories always have their charm. But the question is would this book, Mr. Sanderson’s Life At The Top be worth our time? Let’s then find out in this review.

Mr. Sandersons Life At The Top Plot

Mr. Sanderson’s Life At The Top tells the story of Trevor Sanderson, a poor college student who always got bullied for being a garbage collector.

More than that, he was juggling life, studying, and working hard so he could please the girl he loves who turned out to be materialistic. He caught her making out with another man while he was busy working so he could buy her an expensive gift.

Trevor of Mr. Sanderson’s Life At The Top was always picked on and ridiculed for being lowly and for not affording luxurious stuff. Trevor lived his life at university running errands for the rich kids and being trampled on. One day when his nineteenth birthday was fast approaching he received a call from his father telling him the truth about his identity.

they were rich and it was a family tradition that each of the family should live poor until they reach nineteen to incur such virtues. Now that Trevor found out who he is, what would Mr. Sanderson’s Life At The Top be like? Will he find a girl who will love him truly regardless of his money?

Gaven Yale And His Erotic Mission Deserve You to Read

Part 1: Main Protagonists of Mr. Sanderson’s Life At The Top

Trevor Sanderson

Mr. Sandersons Life At The Top Trevor

He is the male lead in Mr. Sanderson’s Life At The Top. This is his story. Trevor was first introduced as a bullied poor college student who is naively in love with a materialistic girl. In a world where money is power, Trevor’s character was at first pitiful.

He’s out of place at his university. He’s hard-working yet his earning isn’t enough and what’s worse he doesn’t know how to look like a good character in a girl. He often falls for bitches. I find Trevor’s character interesting.

His character-building is effective for what the plot wanted to achieve. He is effective enough to evoke emotions in the readers, and so later on his revenge and rise to the top would surely be satisfying.

Evie Sanderson

Mr. Sandersons Life At The Top Evie

She is Trevor’s big sister here in Mr. Sanderson’s Life At The Top. The Willow Manor scene was badass and satisfying when she humiliated the guy who bullied her brother, from then on, Evie was a character to root for. She’s elegant. She’s pretty. And she knows well how to play with money and power. What I like most about her is that she’s Trevor’s ally.


Among the brat in the university, she’s the only one who treated Trevor well. In Mr. Sanderson’s Life At The Top, everyone was making Trevor’s life in the university hard, except for Bessie. She’s a beautiful coach. She’s simple and not the materialistic type.

However, she was always silenced by the rich spoiled students and was shown off and intimidated by their extravagant stuff. Although Trevor hasn’t declared his intention to Bessie yet she’s one of those girls he wanted to get close to and treasure. What intrigues me is whether they will end up together or not.

Part 2: Plot Review of Mr. Sanderson’s Life At The Top

Mr Sandersons Life At The Top Willow Manor

As I mentioned a while ago, Mr. Sanderson’s Life At The Top has some similarities to the plot of the rising man-themed stories. I don’t say that it’s bad, maybe this kind of plot arch is just trending. That’s why it’s very common nowadays with revenge stories such as Mr. Sanderson’s Life At The Top.

Well, I don’t blame the commonalities because such a plot is entertaining and sustaining. Revenge romance stories themselves have a kind of plot that can sustain the readers’ interest from start to end, but blending it with a concept and a world-building where money is a powerful tool, adds more color to the plot.

That is why Mr. Sanderson’s Life At The Top is liked by many readers despite the familiarity of its plot. Besides, Mr. Sanderson’s Life At The Top leaves us with many hanging questions to be curious about. How will his bullies react after finding out that Trevor was far richer than all of them? How will the girl who dumped him feel?

What will be his life then at the top? The plot keeps readers getting intrigued, that’s where this book, Mr. Sanderson’s Life At The Top charm lies – continuous intrigue, yeah, this gives its readers continuous intrigue.

Gaven Yale And His Erotic MissionDeserve You to Read

Part 3: Recommendation To Mr. Sanderson’s Life At The Top

Mr. Sandersons Life At The Top Similar Book

Me. Sanderson’s Life At The Top is an effective revenge story. But I would rather say its plot is more centered on revenge than on romance, but I like it. Readers of Mr. Sanderson’s Life At The Top also love reading Gaven Yale And His Erotic Mission.

The title itself is intriguing, but this isn’t the “what you see is what you get” type of story. Unlike Mr. Sanderson’s Life At The Top, Gaven Yale is a story about system cultivation. This is a cultivated romance story about Gaven and his beautiful security guard.

Yeah, as the title says there are explicit scenes but this isn’t an erotic novel. This is more like a fantasy adventure mixed with romance it’s just that the cultivation process involves some sex, yet the storytelling was not the kind we read in erotic novels rather it’s humorous and fantasy themed.

You can check out Gaven Yale And His Erotic Mission on Dreame app.


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