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Girl. That was what she was referred to by the only person that she had continued to see all her life for the past seventeen years, her grandmother. The girl was born as a result of a rape encounter that her mother had, and as if that was not enough to make Girl seem like the worse luck ever, her mother passed on while she was giving birth to Girl. It was stated in the book that the Girl killed her mother.

Full of hate for The Wolf Without A Name, her grandmother imprisoned her in her house. The girl was locked in a small cell where she lived all her life, and never got to see what the outside looked like. Yes, the Girl never saw the sunlight, as the only place she ever stepped into apart from her cell was the laundry room where she had to do her grandmother’s laundry.

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Part 1: Main Story of The Wolf Without A Name

The Wolf Without A Name Novel

One fateful day, Girl heard the voice of a stranger. It was a man’s voice she heard. He had come to inform Girl’s grandmother that a storm was coming and that it would be required that all elders like her move to the Alpha’s residence where they would be surely kept safe and away from the storm. This was the beginning of a new journey in life for Girl.

In The Wolf Without A Name, the young man that had come to deliver the message at first left and then returned to Girl’s so-called home when the storm’s arrival was closer. While he was in the house with another man who had escorted him on the errand, he encountered Girl, The Wolf Without A Name. The girl’s relatives hated her so much, they could not even give her a little old name. How sad.

It was shocking to find out that Girl didn’t know anything. In the sense that, she was oblivious to nearly everything that the man she encountered said to her. This, by the way, was the first time that Girl was seeing a man. She hid at first when she saw him, and he came towards her to meet her in the laundry room where she was peeping at him from.

In The Wolf Without A Name Book, it was stated that the man, who happened to be the Alpha’s nephew, interrogated Girl, and when he asked for her name, she had not the slightest idea how to reply to him. I bet he thought that she was just shy. If only he knew that he was talking to a girl who had been imprisoned for seventeen years.

As soon as the Alpha’s nephew saw Girl, he was attracted to her and asked to kiss her. Kiss? The girl did not even know what a kiss was. Who on earth would not know what a kiss is? Even babies know how to kiss, so one can only imagine the extent of deprivation that would have been the reality of Girl, The Wolf Without A Name.

The man was shocked to learn that Girl was so naïve about nearly everything. She had not even heard of the word intercourse before, and neither did she know how to do the act. The nephew of the Alpha was shocked beyond words to learn of all this, but he assured her that with time, she would know about all these things that he spoke of.

The Alpha’s nephew in The Wolf Without A Name Book did not even know that Girl had been hidden in a cold cell for seventeen good years. If he knew that for a fact, firstly, he would understand why she was so naïve, and also ensure that Girl’s grandmother was arrested and if possible, made to face the same cruelty that she had put Girl through.

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Part 2: Cool Chapters of The Wolf Without A Name

Chapter 3

The Wolf Without A Name Chapter 3

“‘I’m Josh Hernandez and I’m twenty-three. And you?” sounded the voice of the very first man and literally another human being that Girl had ever set eyes on.

The only person that Girl had ever seen in her life according to The Wolf Without A Name Novel was her grandmother, Phyllis. The girl had been in the laundry room when the young man from the Alpha’s family came to ensure that her grandmother was going to be safe pending the incoming storm.

“Your sweet voice is tempting me to kiss you.”

“Kiss? What is a kiss?” This conversation between Josh Hernandez and Girl happened in the third chapter of The Wolf Without A Name Novel. The young wolf was already tempted by Girl, calling her beautiful countless times according to the book.

But, how naïve could someone be? I mean, toddlers know what a kiss is, but Girl was asking…” kiss? What is a kiss?” I find it difficult to comprehend that part of the book. LoL.

Chapter 10

The Wolf Without A Name Chapter 10

“Just letting you know, Josh, Pharoah’s nephew will be coming over tonight, and his mate.” Do you remember Josh? The first man and another person that Girl had ever met in her life. Apparently, Girl had started to live in the pack house and had even got to meet other people.

In this chapter of The Wolf Without A Name, it was narrated that Josh had been away and was returning finally with a mate. The girl looked forward to it. Why? Was she attracted to Josh? I should think yes because they kissed on the first day they met. That was Girl’s first kiss, she certainly won’t forget it in a hurry.

Part 3: Stand-Out Character of The Wolf Without A Name


The Wolf Without A Name Girl

The girl is The Wolf Without A Name. She is the unique lead character of the book and her character is portrayed distinctly by the author. A young girl who had a humble background managed to install her presence evidently in the course of the book. The aura of Girl’s presence in the book was strong and recognizable.

Part 4: Conclusion of The Wolf Without A Name Review

The Wolf Without A Name By A.K.Knight

Immaculately written, The Wolf Without A Name is a great read. With a rare plot, it facilitates the curiosity of readers to see how the book will turn out since it carries a distinct uniqueness from other werewolf books usually found on and offline.

The pacing of the book is perfect, and the English are clear and accurate, making the book an enjoyable and easy read. A hundred percent perfect book, The Wolf Without A Name is a worthy read. Kudos to the author.

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