Read Supreme Magus Now


One thing I have noticed in fantasy books related to transmigration is that the lead characters usually always hate their lives at first, and seek for some fun and adventure. In Supreme Magus Novel, Derek a boy with parents who were distant from him and his brother meets an untimely death that leaves his soul wondering as he sought a better life. In Chapter one of the Supreme Magus, Derek had already lived three former lives, and had just been born into his fourth life. The author depicts this part of the book with so much wit. Derek had just been born, and could be seen observing his new life with horrific interest. He was in his fourth reincarnation, and it seemed bleak for him after being not-so-lucky in the past three lives. At first, he is already planning how he would end this miserable life that he had been born into. He was born into a very poor and orthodox family with zero ambition, zero dreams and zero adventure. If one reads the book and weighs the first life he had supposedly escaped from, you would see that this fourth life he was born into was not worth it at all.

Part 1: Main Story of Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus Derek

But Derek was having bleak hope to soon. A mischievous old soul as he was, Derek started playing pranks immediately he was out of the womb. At first, he didn’t cry, scaring his new mother to shits, so she asked the midwife about it. On hearing that the Derek’s mother was afraid that Derek didn’t cry, the mid-wife quickly dismissed her fears saying that it is not unusual for some children. However, there was something the mid-wife said that pissed Derek off. She said that even if he didn’t cry at birth and that he seemed strong, he was as mundane as every other child in that family. It was at this point that Derek triggered what made the midwife reveal herself to him. He poured solid and liquid waste on her, and when she tried to clean herself, she used magic, and Derek saw her. The excitement that Derek felt as a result of this knew no bounds. Could this be it? His magical home, the sort of home that he had been looking for since he started this journey of his and had been reincarnated three times, living his fourth timeline in his fourth body? The mid-wife just used severe magic to wipe herself, and went as far as conjuring beings to her side! Yet she looked as mundane as she had explained Derek to his mother just now? Preposterous. Derek became very interested in this new timeline from that very moment. This was the timeline that led him to be Supreme Magus. Finally, some adventure after a series of boring timelines.

Part 2: Hot Chapters of Supreme Magus

Read Supreme Magus

Prologue 1-5

All the prologues are a necessity to read. It is a preamble before the main event, Supreme Magus. The first of the series of prologues starts with Derek’s life in real-time, present-day earth. Absent parents, worthless life, no ambition and no hope. He grew like that and recruited just like everybody else, accepting a boring job just to live daily. Along the line of events, he lost his brother, and this was the beginning of Derek’s journey as a soul in different bodies. He received a call that his brother, Carl, had died as a result of a drunk driver knocking him down and making a run. All efforts made to save Carl after the accident that day proved futile, and so Carl lost his life. It was after that day that Dered McCoy lost his mind as well. His brother left with a part of his sanity. Also, apart from his brother being dead and wiped away from Derek’s life, Derek didn’t even receive justice at the court, and it pained him to the last. The drunk driver was a young boy called Chris, and he was given a light sentence. A very light sentence compared to the fact that Derek had lost his dear brother because of Chris’ carelessness. All these affected Derek, and he developed a stable headache that ached so much, he had to go to the hospital for a check-up, and he was diagnosed with Cancer. Derek had never been so weighed down in his life.

If only he knew that all this was preparing him to be Supreme Magus. After managing his poor health and counting the days until he would die of cancer, Derek saw Chris, the boy that killed his brother with the excuse of being drunk. He spent a lot of time torturing Chris and making hi suffer the way his brother Carl had likely suffered, until he finally announced that Chris’ suffering had come to an end, and for some reason, Derek McCoy shot himself in the head and died. When he died, he woke up in a new body as a creature with queer limbs in look and number, and after that he woke in another body again after meeting death. Derek continued like this until he found himself as a baby that was being born into the world of magic.

Supreme Magus Full Book

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 is called New Beginning. That is the beginning of Derek McCoy’s journey to being Supreme Magus. Born into what appeared to be an extremely mundane world and family, Derek was already scheming his escape from this nasty and unwanted place when he stumbled on the mid-wife that helped to deliver him using magic to wipe herself. For something as casual as cleaning up dirt from her body, she used magic, so Derek wondered what else she had in store for more serious tasks. He saw her conjure some ethereal beings with unique names as well, and Derek got stuck on this immediately. He took note of every incantation and demonstration he saw, and the fact that he got stuck on this led him to what he would prefer to call his final destiny after a past life of tragedy.

Part 3: Evaluate Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus Novel

Supreme Magus Novel is a rich rendition by the author, Legion 20. This is one author that lovers of online fantasy novels should look out for as he has a chest of treasure in expressing his fantasies to his readers. Supreme Magus is an outstanding fantasy novel in a class of its own. The characters in the book are very well depicted, and the author paints a definite picture while describing scenes and plots, so that readers can imagine these characters easily, without having complex ideas about them. Written in simple and straight forward English tenses, Supreme Magus is a hundred percent recommendation.

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At Dreame, Stevenson has always been a lover for all kinds of novels with unique appetite for the female characters and their storylines. Boasting the experience as a former editor cooperating with millions of best-seller authors, he knows the most important factors in a novel that attract a specific audience group. He now is devoted in the review of prevailing novels and movies from all sources, selects the best ones, and gives his thoughts to help more people to find their suitable novels or movies quickly.


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