Picking Up Girls With My System By Ryongul


Picking Up Girls With My System is the story every man wants in his life and every girl secretly fantasizes about. It’s all about having power over women and sex appeal. The lead character drives them crazy with his very presence. It’s like he emanates pheromones through all his pores.

This fantasy novel starts off a little too well behaved for a steamy narrative. But, if you are patient, you will get to the good stuff in no time. Just ten chapters into the story, you will be introduced to some hot scenes that will leave you speechless.

Believe me when I say this: not even in your wildest dreams could you guess the savage things that Arthur could do. He is this magnet for chicks that not only draws girls toward him, but also makes them bring their friends for group sex. The author lets go off all inhibitions to write an erotic and adventurous masterpiece.

Part 1: The Story of Picking Up Girls With My System

Arthur is lonely guy, orphan since he was five years old, who gets comfort in reading books. One night, after falling asleep, he feels something pulling him towards a light. He doesn’t fight it, as his life is miserable and is happy that it’s all finally over.

Much to his surprise, he gets dragged through a portal and wakes up in an unfamiliar world. He hears a sweet voice underneath his body and realizes he landed on someone. The enchanting voice belonged to Jane, a beautiful witch, who had summoned a familiar from dream world. She was expecting a beast and got a human instead.

Picking Up Girls With My System Arthur

Marget, the president of Frostpeak Magic Academy, is dumbfounded by the idea of having a human as familiar, especially knowing that they can’t live in the dream world. Arthur is linked to Jane through a bonding mark, making him indeed her pet.

Arthur discovers that he has RPG, being a remnant of the Mythical Dream Realm. This means he is able to learn magic. He is disappointed that he can’t generate mana, but is thrilled upon finding out that he is able to absorb it.

The only thing left to solve was leveling up. This is where the story gets a turning point for our leading man. He can gain experience and level up by having sex with women. Pretty intense, isn’t it? He will get the attention of many women but his heart will fall for Jane. What will Arthur do? Follow his heart or his ambition to level up?

Read Picking Up Girls With My System now! Be Arthur’s companion in a wonderful journey of picking up girls and bedding them for power.

Part 2: The Leading Characters of Picking Up Girls With My System

Ryongul’s story wouldn’t be as delicious and worthy of reading if it weren’t for the leading characters, who have been portrayed flawlessly in the book.


Orphan since he was five years old, Arthur lives a dull life and is only interested in books. One night, while sleeping, he is carried towards a light, flown through a portal and thrown on a mountain peak in a fantasy world.

He lands on Jane, who turns out to be his master as she had summoned a familiar but got Arthur instead. The two leading characters are connected through a bonding mark represented by runes, which ties them forever.

Jane takes Arthur back to her dormitory at Frostpeak Magic Academy. Upon remaining alone, Arthur discovers that he has RPG and he can level up by having sex with women. His aura emanates sex appeal, which means that girls will be drawn to him like bees to honey.

He fights alongside Jane, acquires skills in yielding a sword, learns spells and even absorbs energy. His master is hot, but it remains to be seen whether she will one be of the girls to give into his charms or not.


Picking Up Girls With My System Jane

Jane is a beautiful witch with a perfect body and purple hair. She often wears school uniform and a long cape. For a rookie at Frostpeak Magic Academy, she is very talented. Jane summons a familiar to be her pet, and gets Arthur instead, a human.

He proves to be of great help, protecting her in training combat, thus she will also become devoted to Arthur. When finding out that he may be in danger as everybody in the wizard world is interested in the human pet, she will do everything in her power to win the school tournament. By doing so, no outsider will get in touch with anyone else in the school who can rattle about Arthur.

As the rest of the women, she will also feel attracted to him. Jane will do everything she can to refrain from giving into his charm, even though his aura reeks of sex appeal.


Wisa is the teacher responsible with combat classes. She is bossy, harsh and pushes her students to the limit, not to mention the fact that she has a dark humor. You never know whether she is serious or she is just joking.

When receiving news that wizards found out about the human familiar, she warns Jane and Arthur. In school, she will grant protection but, in four months, when school is over, they will be on their own.

Picking Up Girls With My System Wisa

Wisa decides to teach Arthur how to be a good swordsman, offering two classes per week. She turns Arthur, in mere two months, into a good fighter, worthy of being Jane’s familiar.

Part 3: The Author of Picking Up Girls With My System

Ryongul describes himself as an author who wants to bring joy to his readers. He is very popular among fantasy adventure novel readers since he manages to deliver unique content. His storylines are catchy, full of action and easy to follow.

There are several books online you can find which are written by Ryongul such as Evolving System: Strongest Monster Devourer, All-In-One system: All I Need Is Erotic Coins and, of course, Picking Up Girls With My System.

A big plus is that the author is very present online. He constantly answers questions from fans, sometimes even offering some spoilers. Ryongul is definitely an author worthy of being followed. He creates dreamy fantasy universes where anything can happen.

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